Chapter 8: Friends to the End

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A sharp wind blew on Serena's hair in the chill of the night, as the smoke began to clear. Serena took quick, short breaths, hoping and praying Delphox was okay. 20,000 people watched attentively, as the smoke disappeared and everyone discovered both Pokemon were still standing. They were looking quite rugged though and no one was sure if they could even muster another attack. Then Delphox suddenly fell to her knees. Everyone gasped, including Serena. But then, Delphox turned round to Serena and smiled. Serena smiled back and instantly had full faith in her. Venusaur observed Delphox and was confident that it had won the battle. Shauna knew a close range attack would be too dangerous at this point, so quickly pounced and told Venusaur to use Vine Whip. Serena didn't react and just closed her eyes. Venusaur used its last bit of energy and unleashed the Vine Whip. It just had to hit its mark. Shauna was gambling everything on it. But Serena still did nothing and just kept her eyes shut, as if she was waiting for something. Delphox followed suit and didn't move an inch and let it get closer and closer, until she smirked and dodged it at the last second, spinning a flame wheel around it. The crowd oohed. Not only was Serena being tactical, she was also putting on a show here. Ash smirked and chuckled a little to himself. It was as if he knew exactly what Serena was doing.

'Now!' cried Serena, as she opened her eyes up again.

As she continued to spin, Delphox released an unexpected flame thrower which charred the vines into cinders and roasted Venusaur to a crisp. Unfortunately, it had a consequence though, as Delphox landed awkwardly on her knee and was struggling to get back up. Meanwhile, Venusaur just stood its ground for a good minute or so and stared at Delphox, with its big bulbous eyes. But then its eyes began to get smaller and its entire body gave way, to the surprise of everyone and it helplessly remained motionless. Delphox was starting to wobble at the same time too...

The referee wasn't sure how to call it, as neither had actually fainted yet, but then a tremendous thud thundered around the stadium. Venusaur had fallen. It could not stand any longer... And it was over. The referee hesitated a little, having to make such a big call on such a big stage, but promptly decided there was no possible way Venusaur could continue and so he shouted...

'Venusaur is unable to battle... Which means the winner is, Performer Serena!' 

Shauna fell to her knees and hung her head in despair. Pierre quickly took the limelight and swayed onto the stage.

'And that's that folks! We have a winner!' 

He walked over to a shell-shocked Serena and raised her lifeless arm into the air. 

'May I present to you, your very first Kanto Queen... SERENA!!!' he shouted, emphatically.

Everyone leapt from their seats and filled the entire stadium with roaring cheers and applause. Serena froze and gulped. All she could move was her eyeballs, as she looked around at all 20,000 people, open mouthed. They were all cheering for her and they absolutely loved her! She just didn't know how to react, always being quite an introverted girl at heart. This is what she'd always wanted, but now it was actually happening, she was clamming up a little and retreating within herself. And then she heard someone shouting something. It somehow overpowered the rest of the noise in her head and blocked everything else out. She looked further up the stands and caught sight of the love of her life. Ash had his hands cupped over his mouth and was shouting at the very top of his lungs how proud he was of her. Serena's face slowly unlocked from its overwhelmed state and crinkled into a joyous, wide smile, so bright it dazzled even up to the higher end of the stadium. Then she suddenly laughed, not believing what was actually happening. She kept her eyes on Ash the whole time and started to find the confidence to react properly to what had just happened. Serena waved her hands about for her fans and embraced the moment to its full potential. She could really enjoy it now and she even surprised herself with how much she was celebrating it.

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