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Some ten years later, Ash and Serena were now nearing their mid 30's. Age had definitely caught up with them, but they were still young at heart and very youthful. And that was perhaps, because of the many years of happiness they had spent together so far. But life didn't end there at all for them. They just had to adapt and take on extra challenges in life. Challenges that started off with raising their first child together... Rewinding back ten years ago, to a restless night in September, a little baby boy was born on the 15th, on a Wednesday, at 1:10am. Serena's waters had broken earlier that day, while she was at work and had been rushed to hospital immediately. Ash came shortly after, calling off a gym battle halfway through. For good reason too, as this was the day he would finally meet his son and become a father for the very first time. Giving birth was of course exhausting for Serena, but everything had gone smoothly and baby was as healthy as could be.

Fast forward back to the present day and the baby was now a fine young boy, in the spitting image of his father, with a strong ache for adventure. He was currently out in the back garden, looking over the buildings and hills of Celadon City and wondering what was out there for him. The sun was setting on a beautiful day, which only made him want to grab adventure even more, with both hands.

'Hugo! Time for dinner!' called his mother.

Hugo ran inside, where he was met by Growly, who tackled him gently to the ground. He licked him and then rolled over. Hugo knew exactly what he wanted and stroked his under belly. Except now, Growly was no longer a baby, or even a Growlithe. He had grown into an adult Arcanine and was no longer quite as adorable as he was, but still a very loveable Pokemon and a very loyal one too at that. Especially to Hugo. He was basically his Pokemon now, but he of course would still have to get his own starter Pokmeon first, before he could officially become Growly's trainer. Growly also doubled as a protector for Hugo, making sure he was always safe, especially when Ash and Serena weren't around. From the day Hugo was born, Ash and Serena made sure Growly and Hugo formed a close special bond together. And it couldn't be any stronger, after ten years of growing up with each other. However, Hugo wasn't the only one Growly looked after. Three years after Hugo was born, Serena fell pregnant again, (This time very much planned) with his baby sister, Lila.

7-year-old Lila, skipped to the dinner table and took her seat. She looked more like her dad too. Ash's genes were quite dominant in both children, but Lila definitely had Serena's eyes. Ash was already at the table, eagerly awaiting Serena to dish up the food. He had matured a lot over the years, but that ever-hungry 10-year-old kid, that set off on a journey all those years ago, never really changed much. Serena came over with the food, just as Hugo joined them. She hadn't changed too much either, except she had grown her hair back out, while she was pregnant with Hugo and tied that famous blue ribbon at the back. Having shorter hair wasn't really necessary now she wasn't performing professionally anymore. But the one big noticeable difference about her now, was that she currently had a fringe. In short, she had the sweet, kind, yummy mummy look. Serena laid the plates out and then gave Arcanine his special Pokemon food. Everyone tucked in straight away, but Hugo's mind was a little distant as he ate.

'Penny for your thoughts, sweetie?' asked his mother.

He quickly snapped out of his daydreams and smiled.

'Oh, you know. I'm just still thinking about my birthday coming up and what Pokemon I'm going to pick...'

Ash chuckled. He was humoured by it and quickly swallowed a mouthful of food to respond to him.

'Well, Son. The best advice I could give you, is to not be late for it!' 

Serena laughed.

'Yeah. Your dad's right. Just get there on time and you'll be fine.'

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