Chapter 3: A Hero's Welcome

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After a lengthy 7-hour flight and 2-hour train ride, Ash and Serena made their way up the hill that overlooked Pallet Town. They were desperate for some much needed rest and lazily dragged their legs the rest of the way, struggling to carry their luggage with them. It had been an extremely long day and it was nearing midnight now. For the whole journey, Serena was anxious about going to a whole new region she barely knew a thing about and her head was playing ping pong with several different intrusive thoughts. Yet, now she was here all she wanted was a nice warm bed. She could worry about everything else tomorrow.

With the last remains of energy they had left, they finally reached the front door and sighed in relief. Ash unlocked and pushed it open quietly, assuming his mum would be fast asleep by now.

'Just drop your luggage anywhere. We can unpack tomorrow,' said Ash.

'Okay. I'll just leave it in the corner over here,' replied Serena, moving over to the other side of the room.

Ash followed suit and put his stuff next to hers. Then he put his hands on his hips and scoffed.

'I have to say, it's good to be home! But it's definitely an odd feeling after being away so long!'

'Oh, I can only imagine!'

'So, what do you think then?'

'Oh, well, I'm too tired to really say much now. And it's a little surreal to be in your house to be honest!' joked Serena. 'But it's cosy! And Pallet Town seems nice too from what I saw on the way here.' 

Ash grinned.

'Well! I'll give you the grand tour tomorrow! But yes, I'm beat too. So, let me show you to the guest room...'

Ash helped Serena settle in and got her some pyjamas from her suitcase and then said goodnight. Ash couldn't help but love the fact Serena was actually back here with him. There was no way he was letting her go so easily. He feared if she hadn't agreed to stay with him, they may not have seen each other again. But now he was just really excited to show her where he began his Pokemon journey, obviously a much better feeling. He quietly shut her door and headed to his room for his own slumber.

The next day, Serena awoke to chattering in the kitchen. She yawned and sat up on her bed, a little confused where she was at first. And then she remembered and shook her head in disbelief. It was such a big decision and the reality of it was beginning to set in. She did all this just for one boy. But the most special boy. Serena turned on a small TV that Delia had left in there.

'Oh! Is that you, Serena? Are you awake?' shouted a familiar, kind voice.

Serena quickly scrambled out of bed and opened the bedroom door.

'Oh, yes! It's me! Hello, Mrs- I mean, Delia!'

Delia walked over to Serena and gave her a welcoming hug.

'Hello! So lovely to finally meet you! I've made you breakfast. You can come and get it whenever you're ready. Ash couldn't wait and is already eating in the kitchen.' 

Serena giggled at the last part.

'Now why doesn't that surprise me!' 

Delia laughed with her.

'You know my Ashy! He's always loved his food. Well, don't be too long! I'm looking forward to getting to know you!' 

Serena nodded.

'Yeah, me too! I'll just freshen up and I'll be right with you!'

Delia made her back to the kitchen, but then stopped and poked her head back round the corner.

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