32. TRUTH (PT. 2)

Start from the beginning

He was only shaken from his thoughts by the lady in the secretary's office who called his name and told him to go back to the doctor's office.

-Jeff, right?-

-Yes- he said impatiently as he sat down in front of the doctor.

-So the results just came back from the lab. From what it says, the test came back positive, congratulations- the doctor smiled at him.

No...it was not possible...there had to be an error....

Jeff did not answer, just looked him straight in the eye for long moments. Terror began to set in above everything else.

-No...it is wrong...the test must be wrong...- he began to say.

-It is impossible for it to be wrong, aren't you happy?- the doctor did not understand. Usually, couples who came to his office were happy at that news, especially the omegas who could finally start a family. Why then did he seem terrified just at the idea?

-No...please you have to retake the test...it's wrong...-

-It's not wrong- the doctor tried to reassure him-why don't you talk to your alpha about it? I'm sure it's great news to receive now, but I assure you he will soon be happy at the idea-

-No...I can't...I don't want to...there must be a way...I don't want to, what can I do?- he asked him on the verge of tears.

-Ehm...maybe it's too early to talk about it, you should process it first. You just got the news and already you're talking to me about abortion...-

-a medicine...an operation...whatever you want, but I can't have it...-

-You know I can't do it unless I talk to your alpha first, right?

-What?! Why?!-

-It's the law, without the alpha's consent, I can't do anything-.

-It's a stupid law, what kind of law is this!-

-Please calm down, do you want me to call someone, I don't know...a family member or a friend?-

-I don't need anyone and I can decide for myself what to do, no need for an alpha or anyone else!-

-I understand your point of view, but I would get into trouble, I can't help you. I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave, I have other patients to see-

Jeff was shocked. What kind of place was that if he could not even decide for himself just because he was an omega!

He got up and ran out of the clinic. It couldn't be...he couldn't...what was he going to do now? The only solution according to that doctor was to take either Jesse or Charlie there to sign off on the procedure, but he could not tell either of them. He began to walk aimlessly lost in his thoughts. There had to be a solution...there had to be.

He walked into a café, ordered a coffee, and looked up on his cell phone. Everywhere was written the same thing the doctor had told him: omegas could not make that decision on their own and there needed to be consent from an alpha or caregiver of the omega.

Jeff threw his cell phone on the coffee table and rested his head on it.

-Here's your coffee- a girl approached.

-Thanks...- Jeff lifted his head from the table. He was tremendously tired of the whole thing; what was he going to do? Ask Charlie? He was his brother, maybe he would help him...what if he didn't...what if he criticized and hated him for the rest of his life?

After finishing his coffee, he went back to his cell phone to look for clinics that maybe didn't necessarily abide by that rule. He knew it was illegal as a thing to do, but maybe if he begged them enough they would decide to make a break from the rule....

OLD SCARS AlanJeff (Omegaverse) | PITBABEWhere stories live. Discover now