Chapter 34: Family arguments

Start from the beginning

Luisa and Enrique looked up at the roof with concern worried that he would fall off gazes were followed by Elena and the rest of his family.

Luisa : " Miguel get down from there!"

Miguel: "Mamá Coco 's father was Ernesto De La Cruz".

Enrique: "What are you talking about?"

Miguel : " I'm gonna be a musician ".

Miguel then throws the shoemaker apron on the roof and off showing he didn't want to be a shoemaker.

" Why do I have a feeling this isn't gonna end well". Mirabel winced

"You're not wrong there Mariposa ". Bruno added

"I'd agree with you there Mira ". Abel finished

The screen then showed all of Miguel's things being dumped onto the ground including his homemade gituar and his family furious with him.

Abuelita Elena: " What is all this you keep secrets from your own family?!"

Berto : " It's all that theme he spends in the plaza

Gloria: " Filled his head with crazy fantasies ".

Miguel : " It's not a fantasy that man was Ernesto De La Cruz the greatest musician of all time".

Enrique: " We've never known anything about this man but whoever he was he still abandoned his family this is no future for my son ".

Miguel: "But Papá you said my family would guide me well De La Cruz is my family I am supposed to play music".

Abuelita Elena : "Never That mans music was a curse I will not allow it".

Miguel: "But If you would just let me-"

Luisa : Miguel".

Enrique: " You will listen to your family no more music".

Miguel : "Just listen to me play".

Miguel then picked up His gituar slowly but his family was not having it.

Enrique : "End Of argument".

Miguel was persistent and showing his family that music wasn't a bad thing so he picked up his guitar and slowly started playing notes from the movie that he had practice earlier he only got a few in before Elena snatched the guitar from his hands.

Abuelita Elena : "You want up like that man forgotten left off your family's ofrenda".

Miguel: "I don't care if I am on some stupid ofrenda ".

His family was shook at what he just said and Elena was furious so angry in fact that she ended up having her rage just take over her and destroy the gituar into pieces Enrique on the other hand tried to stop her but it was too late the damage was already done.

Enrique: "Mamá!!"

As it was left broken on the floor Elena signed the cross over a chest as a protection from music and also towards her grandson, Meanwhile Miguel was in tears knowing all his hard work had been destroyed completely.

Abuelita Elena: " There no gituar no music ".

Miguel infuriated with his grandmother's decision to smash his guitar still in tears and brokenhearted at all his hard work being destroyed, Elena on the other hand tried to fix it by stroking his check and cooing at him.

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