I get into position once again, aware of both of our bodies. "Watch for my tells, watch my body but be aware of yours," he explains.

His leg slightly twitches, his fist turning just an inch. There's more weight in my left leg than there is in my right.

He throws his fist out, I turn, my right leg out and my left leg free. I block his leg with mine, grabbing his arm as I bring him to me, knocking him in his nose with my elbow.

His head snaps back, a trickle of blood dripping down his lips from his nose.

I gasp, "Shit! I'm sorry!"

His gaze falls down to mine, a gorgeous grin plays on his lips as he bleeds. "Perfect, just like that, let's do it again."


Different ranks of soldiers stand before me. Their hands behind their backs, their chins up, and their focus on me.

I've been doing this everyday. Checking on them, on their progress.

I need them to understand the seriousness of this. I need them to understand that they will be fighting for their life.

The last time Ovantasa went to war was over sixty years ago. We lost too many soldiers, our history books have too many names of the dead in them and I don't want any more.

"We're getting more supplies at the harbor today, shipments have come in from the south," Dal informs me, as he takes me down rows of training grounds.

"Are you sure it's safe?"

He nods, "I'm taking few soldiers, it'll be in and out."

I look over the crowd of troops in my field, training their asses off. I stop when I see a familiar face.

In moments, I stop before him, waiting until he sees me. When he does, he bows immediately, "Your majesty."

"Philip? What are you doing here?" I ask.

His wrinkled lips form a smile, "excuse my language but I'll be damned if I sit back and let your family go to war without my help. I've watched you grow up Ms. Windsor."

Philip. In his late sixties.

One of our valued soldiers since forever. I had Bellie fire him when I couldn't trust my soldiers almost a year back. I had her fire all of them.

"Don't be too hard on our Bellie, she knew I wanted to help, and I wouldn't take no for an answer."

I smile, "I can't persuade you into going back home, relaxing into a bed or a couch?"

He shakes his head gently, "not at all."


I watch my soldiers train, sitting on a bench just outside the wall. Each and every one of them are drenched in sweat, their knuckles bruised.

I watch a woman, maybe her late twenties, tie up her hair in a braid, eager to get it out of her face as she continues to train with her partner.

"People watching?" Liam asks, sitting next to me.

I grin, "more like watching who could fight for their life better."

"Gruesome, Windsor, just gruesome."

I shrug.

He looks out, beginning to watch along with me.

I break the comfortable silence. "Liam."

"Hm?" He looks over at me.

"Are you absolutely sure you're up for this?"

"Yeah I'm-"

Perfect Flawsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें