41- New Plans

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"Aether? You need to eat..."

Aether looked at all the photos. Every time the band had a concert, he took a picture before it to put on the back of his door. Some were from the early days when he was first summoned. Omega was in a picture, helping him get ready for his first performance. 

Aether smiled. That day, Omega was just as nervous as he was. Aether remembered Omega's fingers shaking as he gave Aether a guitar pick, signifying the transition from one age to another. The older ghoul gave him a hug before walking away to sit with the audience. 

Even though he was no longer performing onstage, Omega was still Terzo's favorite and most trusted ghoul. Would Copia still feel the same way towards him? Aether hoped nothing would change between them. 

Aether looked at the guitar sitting in the corner of his room before getting up to run his fingers over the glossy finish. 

Phantom would take good care of it; Aether was sure of that.


He knew it wasn't Phantom's fault. He also knew Copia would tell him if anything were to change. So why did Sister tell him that his talent wasn't needed anymore?

"I'll be right there, Sunny."

. . .

"Don't let the bacon burn."

"I won't, love," Mountain told you with a smile. His tail happily wagged and he hummed as he worked. "Just gonna pass you, hold still."

Mountain went to get the salt, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he did so. You smiled and laughed a little. On his way back to where he was working, he wrapped his arms around your waist, mumbling a cute song in your ear.

"I'm cooking bacon and eggs for me and you. You're making the pancakes, and you know the rest. I'm helping to make it, even though I know I'm not the best. But when I see you smile when I'm with you, I swear I know heaven..."

You smiled as you grabbed some plates. "You're too sweet to me."

"No I'm not." Mountain let you go, but he stayed where he was. "I mean all that and more. I love you so much. You're the best thing that's happened to me."

You turned off the burner and took the bacon out of the pan, placing it on the plates. Mountain took the pan from you to put it by the sink to be washed later. 

"I can do it, it's ok," you told him.


"Why not?"

"I just want to make your life easier in any way I can."

You softly smiled. "Ok, but don't forget to take care of yourself, too. Sometimes I get nervous because you're always so kind and gentle to me, but seem hard on yourself."

"I've done some stuff that I'm not proud of," he said as he placed eggs and pancakes on each plate. 

"So have I. But it's important to learn how to forgive yourself."

"I know." Mountain sighed and nodded before sitting in the chair next to you. "I need to work on that."

. . .

Phantom's earbuds beeped, signaling they were almost out of power. He sighed, hoping they would last fifteen more minutes or however long it took him to finish up the painting. Phantom began his project in the morning, skipped lunch, and worked into the early evening trying to complete it. Hopefully it would make Aether a feel a bit better. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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