17- Friends

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*TW: blood, injury, scars
*Perspectives change a lot- starts w/Mountain

I kissed them. On the forehead, but still. I paced around my room, praying that the others hadn't noticed. Now Y/N would really know how I feel.

Honestly, it wasn't the best idea, but I was so scared of not using the moment together to my advantage. Previously, I has thought of telling them instead of running away. That would require too much strength and adrenaline which I don't have on a daily basis. I am quite good at running away from my problems, though.

. . .

You curled up on you bed, under the blankets and sheets. It was currently midnight, but you needed answers. Why did Mountain kiss you? You racked your mind, thinking of ideas why. They all circled back to the idea of him liking you.

But he barely knew you, so why would he like you?

. . .

My claws raked up and down my biceps, scratching through the fabric of my shirt.


I went to my bathroom, and took a look at my injuries. I had done this before, so I wasn't shocked when a trickle of blood ran down my arm. The other scars were hardly visible, but I knew where they were. I would have to get my anxiety under control. Maybe I could steal Rain's medication.

. . .

Luckily, Aether has an odd sleeping schedule, so he was able to advise you on Mountain's past romantic affairs. After a text exchange, you learned that Mountain hasn't dated anyone for a long time.

. . .

After bandaging myself up, I curled into a ball on the floor of my room. I tried to cry quietly.

Fucking horny dumbass. That's what I am.

I can't fall in love with them. It can't be like last time.

. . .

Oh shit.

No, Aether. Tell the truth. You're wrong.

. . .

I must've been too loud, since someone knocked on my door.


"Get up, dumbass."

"You got that right. That's my name." Sodo came toward me, and squatted down next to me.

"What to be happier for an hour or so?" He whispered to me, wiping my tears off my mask with his thumb.

. . .

"I swear that's the truth!"

"I may pass out."

"Well, stay on the line so I don't have to come rescue you. I'm watching Youtube and eating barbecue pizza right now."

"At a time like this? You gave me earth-shattering news, and you're focused on videos and pizza?"

"What do you want me to do? Come over and throw confetti in your face with a banner that says, 'He likes you!'?"

"Yes, actually. It would make the whole situation seem more real."

. . .

"I'm not good at this comforting stuff."

Sodo had been hugging me for the last hour. At first, he stroked my masked face, wiping my tears. Eventually, I started to sob on his shoulder. He gave me hugs and tried to soothe me, oblivious to the fact that he was telling me flirtatious comments instead of calming words.

"It's gonna be all right, okay? I'm here." He gave me a forehead kiss, and I lost it.

I exposed my claws, going for his arm. Sodo pulled away, shocked at my action. Realizing my intention, I grabbed onto his shirt with both hands, putting my face in his stomach. There was a wet patch from my tears.

"For-forgive me, please, please. . ."

. . .

You stared at the ceiling waiting for your phone to ding. Aether promised to send you a detailed text of every time Mountain spoke about you, did something for you, and first told of his feelings for you.


Crap. The list was long.

. . .

"How's he doing?"

"I had to leave him for my own safety."

"Should I check on him?"

"Babe, you wanna loose an arm?"

Soft crying could be heard.

"For him, yes. Anything to help sweet, Mountain." Swiss wished Sodo goodnight, and went to check on Mountain.

Mountain was in the corner of his room, curled under a gigantic fuzzy blanket. Only his head poked out, but it was easy to see that he was hugging his legs to his body.

"C'mon, bud. You'll be better after a warm bath."


"Okay, well what do you want to do?"

"Eat? Sit here forever? Fuck, I don't know."

. . .

It took for-fucking-ever, but I was able to send Y/N the list. They still seem a bit in shock, but they are beginning to accept it.

They made me swear not to tell others, and I promised even though most of the ghouls and ghoulettes already know.

. . .

After a while, Swiss got me talking. It wasn't much, but he's a good listener. He makes me feel like I'm seen.

. . .

You emailed Ms. Sawyer and called in sick for tomorrow. Aether agreed to come to your apartment with Rain, and talk to you.

. . .

I woke up around eight. The light streamed in from the window along with light rain tapping on it.

Swiss cuddled me on my bed. He must've hauled my ass up here last night.

"You made it through the night, Skyscraper," he smiled.

"Did you stay with me the whole time?" I stretched and yawned.

"What are friends for? I'll run you a bath."

. . .

"He confessed a lot."

"Like, what?"

"He doesn't want to hurt Y/N."

"Mountain asks for consent for a hug. I don't see how he could hurt them."

"Sodo, do you know what happened to his last partner?"

. . .

Sodo and Swiss brought me some cookies and a paint-by-number kit to calm me down. They also turned on my phone to show me texts from Y/N. They wanted to meet me. I left my phone alone.

I tore through the cookies, not realizing how hungry I actually was. After a while, they gave me a plate of tacos from the kitchen.

. . .

You asked Aether and Rain why Mountain hadn't responded to your texts. They said he was taking the day off for some relaxation.

"Maybe the whole week," Rain added.

"Oh. Please tell him I want to talk to him."

"We both will."

Hearts of the Lonely (Reader x Mountain Ghoul)Where stories live. Discover now