Zuko x curvy watertibe reader x male mai

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The war of the nations had been going on for 100 years and the fire nation kept on gaining ground and power, all over all the other nations. There had been a time of peace that came in the war and that peace was made through a political marriage or arrange marriage. That marriage was your marriage the second daughter of Hakoda of the southern watertribe you had been given away in marriage. As you were not just marrying the fire lord son, but also another Nobel man that is an ambassador. All the other nations and everyone thought this will be for the best as no wanted anymore war to happen.

Y/n " dad"

Hakoda " listen I know you must hate this idea but it need to be done"

Y/n "......"

Hakoda " I can't send your brother or sister they are to much of value and importance to all of us ... they are part of avater team we can't lose them"

Y/n " i know that dad but have you heard about the stories of the fire lord he cruel and scary man ..."

Hakoda " yes I have heard them y/n but sacrifices have to be made and this is one of them you are one of them"

Y/n " please father o will do anything for my people but I'm scared"

Hakoda " think about your people think about all the all other nations and all innocent lives that will be lost of you don't do this .... You can't be selfish"

Y/n "  father ..."

Hakoda " leave now I need to speak with my council and elders Wes most think for battle with three other nations, a war will come and war " you wish to say something else but your father had you escorted away from his office once words got to your siblings and their friends it didn't get better.

Katara " please y/n we need this war to end we can't have aang go he not ready he hasn't master fire yet"

Y/n " I'm just overwhelmed and scared that all this major decisions"

Sokka " don't you think we all feel that you haven't been doing anything but stay here and healing, while the rest of us have been risking it all"

Toph " I can sense many emotions right now"

Sokka " if we don't have an answer by the end of week the war the fire lord wish for answers"

Y/n " I ...."

Aang " y/n I make a promises as an avatar and air bender if anything happen I will come help you, as you have my oath as avatar and all those that came before me"

Y/n " I just need some time alone"

Katara " fine go while we stay here and think about a back up plan" you could feel you were not welcome so you had soon taken your leave right away. As you were walking you had been getting cold shoulder from many people as they were all in fear.

Gran gran " my dear"

Y/n " hey gran gran"

Gran " I came to see you I have heard the news"

Y/n " I want to say yes for my people and everyone else but I'm scared"

gran gran " it okay to be scared my dear whatever decision you make it will always love you and be with you in personal and spirt" you had hugged your grandmother as your cried, you had made your decision that night.

Y/n " father I have made my decision"

Hakoda " what have you decided my father"

Y/n " I will take the marriage for safety for my family and everyone" everyone was happy about the news a hawk had been sent, and I'm days a fire nation ship had come with your future husbands.

Iroh " lady y/n I will love to present my nephew prince Zuko and mister mao"

Y/n " hello it good to meet you both and I hope our lives together will be good"

Mao " hello it good to meet you"

Zuko " yes what you have done is honor and we hope to show you were are not that bad" this marriage will not be bad after all as you had thought, as the others around were either good and bad. Maybe you should give your future husband a chance and see their true selves. Celebrations had been held in your tribe you had tried to speak with your sibling and friends but they were with everyone else. You had been given the opportunity to get to know some of future family better. That next day you had left your home.

Y/n " take care everyone I hope to see you soon"

Katara " we will meet again"

Y/n " yes and now we have peace life will need to be rebuild"

Fire nation solider " lady y/n we are rests to leave"

Y/n " coming goodbye everyone and please take care all of you" you soon got onto the fire nation ship, looking down to everyone and waving goodbye. You soon saw your home getting smaller and smaller as you head toward your new home.

Iroh " I know you have heard bad stories about the fire nation and my family, and I don't blame you for being scared but we are all not that bad ... my nephew and mao might seem a bit scary but he a good young men and I have raised taught and many other well to be good and not to, follow their parents path"'

Y/n " thank you iroh I'm happy to know I will have friends there for me I, hope I can be a good addition to the royal household and ambassador household as well"

Iroh " you will be amazing"

Zuko " uncle may I and Mao have some words with our wife"

Iroh " yes" Iroh soon left the young couple to talk together, knowing it was going to be a long trip home.

Mao " we know you fear what life will be like in the fire nation but we will not be living there"

Y/n " huh why you are royalty and noble born"

Zuko " yes but I made a deal with my dad will be living on ember land it will be good for us all, and we get to know each other and live the lives we want if that fine with you"

Y/n " I'm fine with that if can keep bending and healing, and keep some cultures I have"

Mao " yes it will be good as we all should keep what we love most close to our hearts" this marriage was not going to be bad after all, you had been able to get to know your husbands better and their created famiky good as well. Life is going to be hard away from the water tribe but you know you will adapt to your new life and home.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now