Male marriette x cuvry reader x adien (2)

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Years have passed and you soon had married Marin and Adrien in a wonderful wedding, with your families and friends. They were still lord beetle  and cat noir as the city or Paris and world was still in danger of hawk moth. Times have changed for everyone in good and bad ways. It was good your husbands were not alone as they had you and their friends there to help save the day.

Y/n " ummm" you were at home wait for your return of your husbands and friends from their latest battle with hawk moth, everyone was trying to find more about the villain of Paris who was taking over innocent people lives. You were looking over the files from old cases that had happened.

Marin " hey we are home" you soon turned around to see your husbands and friends had retuned from their mission, they soon made their way towards you.

Luka " so y/n have you found anytime about hawk moth yet"

Y/n " no I haven't found anything yet about him only the information we have now I'm sorry"

Adrien " it okay honey you are doing your best we will find out the truth about him soon"

Niko " you are doing your best here anyways being our eye in the sky and giving us the information we need to defeat the bad guys"

Y/n " thanks everyone"

Alyo " you think after years of fighting hawk moth the city will come up with a way to defend it self or safe areas for his attack"

Marin " well once we we defeat the villains and save them we are able reverse all the damage that has been made"

Zoey " yes but we need a better way to keep the citizens of Paris fine from what is going out on here"

Luka " we will find out a way sooner or later there will come a time when hawk moth won't take advantage of those who are hurt"

Niko " well we leave you all for the night and see you all tomorrow even due we are heroes we will have lives outside of here" everyone had soon bid goodbye night and left the couples home you were soon making dinner with your husbands they seem upset about something,

Y/n " what the matter and don't lie I know something is bothering you both"

Adrien " we have to finally end this whole situation we need to find hawk moth and bring him to justice, he has done enough to everyone here and Paris and around the world"

Y/n " I know my loves I know we all want him gone but we have to know what is he deal why is doing this, and are there more of him out there"

Marin " what do you mean love"

Y/n " well we have traveled around to New York to Shanghai and found out there are other miraculous out there, whay makes us all think they are not innocent miraculous being used for evil"

Tiki " y/n is right we don't know how many us are out there as well we're all made in different ways and placed in different boxes, it has been centuries since we all last saw each other"

Fang " yes we don't know who is being used for good or bad"

Marin " you all are right we need to find our more about the other miraculous and see if hawk moth is working alone, or being helped"

Adrien " this has been happening over centuries to other holders and will keep on happening over and over again"

Y/n " then we need to make sure the next generation of holders are ready and know how to fight hawk moth, and any other villains that come"

Marin " yes you are right so how as your doctor appointment you never told us what happed when you got home, you were about to tell us but you know trouble beat you to it"

Y/n " well I have good news how do you all feel like being father and hero's at the same time" Adrien and marin become silent when they heard the news, even kiri and fang were shocked about the news as well.

Adrien " that amazing love that so wonderful we are going to have a family of our own"

Fang " you know your miraculous can be passed down to your kids when they are ready, or they might have miraculous similar to their parents"

Y/n " I never knew that it was never in any of the history"

Tiki " because it has never happen before you are the firsts ones"

Marin " we can worry about that later for no we celebrate this wonderful news of us become parents and started a new chapter in our lives" Marin had kissed you he is so happy about the news of having a chance of starting a new stage in life with the women he loved and now,he has something new to fight for in his life.

Adrien " we have to tell all our family and friends when the time is right we should even hold celebration" Adrien soon kissed you as well he as so happy about everything that was going on, he could wait to see what fatherhood had in store for him and Marin. Once the time was right the trio had shared the news with their families and friends and everyone was happy for the future new addition in their lives. You couldn't wait to see what the future she in store for you and your husbands as you were hoping fro some peace and happiness, but know you lives that might not happen the ways you were wishes for after all.

Y/n " I will love that"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now