Sam x chubby wife reader x Sebastian

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You had arrievd in star drew valley in hopes in starting a new life there and taking over your grandfather farm that had been left to you when he passed away. You did make a new life in the valley no longer seen as city girl anymore as you helped rebuild your grandfather farm and make new relationships while living there as well. Soon enough you had become a small town girl as you have official become a new resident of the valley, and staying for good. That was. Not the only thing that changed in your life as you soon had fallen in love with two of the bachelors of the valley sam and Sebastian later on marrying them.

Y/n " another wonderful day" you had gotten up to go feed the animals and check on the farm but when you woke up, none of your husbands were in bed or in the kitchen and living room.

Y/n " maybe they went to see their families or are somewhere else around the home" you soon left the house and when you open the door you were soon great by cup or tea and some fruit with toast.

Sebastian " morning beautiful"

Y/n " oh good morning I thought you were in your office with sam working on your games or musics"

Sebastian " not today we work up and thought you could use some help around the farm"

Y/n " oh"

Sebastian " I covered breakfast for you so have some before you get to work sam will be back soon"

Y/n " oh okay" you soon sat down on the steps of the home and ate breakfast while making small conversation with your husband, and soon enough your second husband soon showed himself as she came with some tools and other supplies all pulled in a wagon.

Sam : oh good morning honey I thought you will still be asleep so we had enough time to set everything up"

Y/n " sorry I woke up and soon noticed none of my husband were in the bed and I thought you were somewhere else in the home"

Sam " well we have been planing to help do some more work around here as your husbands and friends"

Y/n " thank you"

Sebastian " well tell us whet we have to do and we will do it" you soon smile and soon finished the rest of your breakfast and tea, Sebastian had taken the dishes and place them back into the house and in the sink.

Sam " well were are ready to work" you soon smiled at your husbands and soon told them what need to be done for the day. You had takne them to go feed the animals first.

Y/n " we just need to fill the feed bins and the anaimals will come on their own"

Sebastian " hello little chickens" Sebastian seem to be having a good time when he was feeding the chickens as they were watching him place the feed in the bins.

Sam " wow so you feed them on daily basis"

Y/n " yes we have to make sure they stay health and well take care of when they are eating I collect the eggs that can be sold" sam and Sebastian watched you collect the eggs and soon enough stared helping you as well. Sam and Sebastian seem to the the hand of feeding the animals well as they did a good job feeding the cows and goats.

Sam " hey we are getting the hand of it after all"

Y/n " it seems like you two have the talents of being framers are you both sure you haven't done this before in your lives"

Sebastian " well we have some skills when it comes to taking care of animals and gardening but we are not that good, we still have some stuff we need to learn"

Y/n " oh I think you will be amazing my loves"

Sam " thank you"

Y/n " now come on we need to water the crops or harvest them if we are going to make a good sell and given them away" Sebastian and sam had agree to what you were saying to them, they soon got done taking care of the animals and soon followed you towards the field where the crops were place for growing and harvest.

Sebastian " well the crops have come in well y/n you been doing a good job"

Y/n " thank you I sued some good plant food, water them good along with make sure they got a good amount of sun as well"

Sam " the store those sell some good supplies and now that we are your husbands it seems like we gotten a whole new tab and discounts"

Y/n " well you two have beocme apart of my family and now you might be seen as framers like me or family members that help around the farm"

Sebastian " these planet seem so big and ready for harvest I'm right"

Y/n " yes you are right now we need to pluck the crop and place in the bin"

Sam " so the mayor comes at night and takes them and you later get paid"

Y/n " yes but have bene time when I have done harvesting for the towns peoples if the request something from me"

Sebastian " what that like love"

Y/n " good and bad at times as something the orders will be easy to complete and other will be hard to complete"

Sam " hey maybe next time when you do one of these jobs we can help you"

Y/n " I will love that" Sam and Sebastian smiled toward you as soon went back to harvesting the good crops.

Y/n " so tell me now your guys work is coming along I have notice you two been working extra now these days and staying up very late as well"

Sam " it been going well I have made some new music and Sebastian has been thinking about adding them to his new game"

Y/n " really"

Sebastian " yes we might try to get some to fund and support our project"

Y/n " that amazing I'm so happy for you two" you had soon hugged Sebastian and Sam happy for their work as they been working extra had on their careers, as they wish to prove to themselves and others they are doing something they really love and helping to support their family and home.

Sam " well we owe it all because of you standing by our side and make sure we are okay, and making sure we eat and take care of ourselves"

Y/n " well we are in this together for better and for worst" once the three were done with their work they went to the beach to enjoy the rest of the day together, and having a good with them making connections about anything and talking until the sun had fallen and soon heading back home hoping to have the same day tomorrow.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now