Male mulan x cuvry reader x shang

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You are the only daughter and youngest child of Shan yu and your father was overprotective of you, most of the other man near you kept away from you because they were scared of your father wraith. Soon your life had changed when you went out horse back riding with some of your father men when you were knocked unconscious by one of them left, to die in a snow storm. You really couldn't tell where you were going and the cold started getting to you.

Y/n " ......." You soon saw two figures in the back you thought you were saved but you couldn't move anymore.

Y/n " helo ... help" soon the two figures looked at you and came running towards you but you soon passed out, you did feel someone pick you up.

???? " she will be well soon once her fever goes down"

???? " why was she out here all alone"

???? " I don't know but I think she with the huns by her dress, maybe she got lost from her friends and family"

?????" Well we better find them because the emperor wants us to make peace with Shan yu, and see if the two nations can live together"

Y/n " ummm where im"

???? " hey she up"

Y/n " where im"

???? " don't move so much we heard you scream and saw you collapse, you have a bad injury on your head and legs but you will be okay"

Y/n " thank you .... What are your names"

???? " oh yes im ping and this is my friend Shang"

Shang " I hope you like soup and rabbit it will help you feel better"

Y/n " thank you im y/n"

Ping " so what were you doing out here alone y/n"

Y/n " I was not alone I came here with some people who I thought were my friends who were my father man but, one of them hit me unconscious and they left me to die here ... they even took my horse to make sure I didn't come back"

Shang " those friends of yours are cowards"

Y/n " I think they wanted to start a war with china my father seems to wanting to make with them, and now I fear it won't happen they will find some way to blame a army of china for my death"

Ping " well you are here now and it good your father wants to make peace with china, were are two solider of the emperor army and we can here to make peace with the hun clans"

Y/n " that good I owe you guys my life thank you"

Shang " we were doing our duty and we were not going to let you die out there, that not how we are ... with you here maybe you can help us not make a embarrassment of ourselves"

Y/n " sure" that night you got to know the ping and shang well and they got to know you once the storm had stopped, night had fallen when someone else had enters the cave. Your fever had come back you were order to rest.Shang and ping were awake when the newcomers had arrived.

Hun " well what do we have here two warrior of the emperor army what are you doing here"

Ping " we came here in peace but if came here for fight we will fight back"

Hun 2 " who your little friend let us ... you tell Shang yu we have something he will love to see" Shang yu soon came running into the cave,and made his way over to the girl.

Shang yu " did you two save her"

Shang " yes but she still sick"

Shang yu " come with us we are taking her home to the healer right away " the two solider had follow Shang yu and the hun soldiers. They soon arrived at the camp and that when they learned something new that was shocking to them.

Shang yu " thank you for saving my daughter I was told she was hurt out there"

Ping " she your daughter"

Shang yu " yes I owe you two and I will make peace with your emperor"

Ping " thank you sir"

Healer " she will live thanks to these gentlemen she will need to rest"

Shang yu " thank you" once the truth of everything had come out the men who left you die were punished, and it seemed like you had become closer to two solider who had saved your life. Your father was fine with the whole matter and didn't question anything that was going on.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now