Optimism prime x cuvry medic femme

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A young femme was walking around the main square of cyberton she was heading off to work at the medical center, her uncle ratchet worked there and he was one of her mentors. Even if he was her uncle he did not give her special treatment, there was something that bother her the most and that was love. She had sene many other femmes dating and getting married but she was still single, she had yet to find the one for her.

Y/n " ......"

???? " y/n"

Y/n " ......."

???? " y/n" someone had tapped her should getting the femme attention and she soon turned around to see optimism standing there.

Y/n " oh Optimus hello"

Optimus " hey y/n I saw you walk pass the prime hall and called your name, but it seemed like you didn't hear me"

Y/n " oh I'm sorry I have been forced on work"

Optimus " it seems like that so how has everything been going for you"

Y/n " well ... wait my uncle had message me it seem, like they over schedule me so I have the day off"

Optimus " good maybe we can hangout together there has been time we have tried it meet up, and it failed"

Y/n " sure I will love"

Optimus " thank for saying yes it seems like the primes and Megatron want me to take a break from work"

Y/n " well it seems like we will be both taking a break today, now come on let go have some fun" you had grabbed hand and started walking away with him.

Optimus " so have you meet anyone new or started dating"

Y/n " my dating life has been few what about you"

Optimus " same here most femmes are only interested into the frame of dating a future prime and nothing else, I haven't found someone who was into me for me"

Y/n " aww I'm sorry about that Optimus you deserve love" you and Optimus had gone to bar and had some drinks and talked.

Optimus " you deserve love as well y/n you are nice femme any mech here will be lucky to have you as a mate"

Y/n " half of my graduating class are already married or getting close to marriage, maybe one day I will be having a wedding"

Optimus " hey maybe if you don't find anyone we like maybe we should give a chance of dating between, the two of us what do you say"

Y/n " I will like that it sounds interesting you are my type anyways"

Optimus " oh I'm your type that sound cute but if you may know your my type as well"

Wheeljack " hey you two oh what going on here our you on a date"

Optimus and y/n " ....."

Wheel Jack " oh you guys are on a date it so cute"

Optimus " sorry Jack but we have to get going I have to show y/n something cool, on our day off"

Y/n " see you Jackie" Optimus reached out his hand and you grabbed it having Optimus paying for the drinks, and you two soon left.

Bulkhead "you know we have one job to not do anything stupid and you did that something stupid"

Wheel Jack " it will be okay it mot like Ratchet and Megatron are going to be mad"

Bulkhead " sure when they come after you I will dragged you to hospital"

Wheel Jack " I will be okay don't worry"


Megatron " those idiots they were told to do one thing and they messed up"

Ratchet " I will make them both pay mostly wheel Jack and his hot head actions, Optimus is the only one I trust with my niece no one else"

Stars scream" everything will be fine it seems like they have feelings for each other and I will have some others, make sure they are not interrupted anymore today"

Ratchet " good job now let's hope nothing else ruins this day, this plan has to work perfectly or else"

Megatron " yes it those"it seems like Megatron and ratchet plan will work out well between the young couple, because soon enough there will be a wedding held for a young prime and doctor. The young couple will take some time to find out that they were sent up on this date, but won't get mad at the others around them.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now