Valtor x cuvry wife reader

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You are a witch teaching at red fountain and alfea, but that was not the only shocking fact about you. The major shock about you was that you are the wife of valtor himself, you were not evil like him and your switching sides was a major betrayal to him. You had become scared of what him and the ancestral witches, were doing you tried to bring valtor to the light but it didn't work. You soon ran away scared for innocent lives and the life of your unborn child.

Y/n " ......."

Ms faragond " thank you for taking up my offer to teach her y/n"

Y/n " well you help me all those years ago ms faragond and so did the rest of the company of light"

Ms faragond " the girls have been told that you will be having a new teacher Saladin has told his boys as well, same with ms griffin she will be sending some of her students"

Y/n " thank you but they know of who i was and him"

Ms faragond " no I and the others have decided it will best to keep that a secret but you have the backing of us teachers and many royal as well"

Y/n " thank you and I hope I can help these kids learn something because I have a feeling he will be back"

Ms faragond " don't worry my dear if he does come back we will be prepared"

Y/n " yes ma'am " you soon left ms faragond office to head towards your office your son was with his daycare right now, so he was safe you made sure of that. You soon enough of reached your classroom and open the massive door to find out you have a very big classroom.

Y/n " well let's bright up the place and add some furniture as well" you soon snapped your finger and soon enough your magic started working open the curtains to the big windows, and you switched on some of the lights as well. Soon some furniture as tables and benches had shown up, along with books and many other stuff that will be teached that could fit in the classroom.

Y/n " okay let se what I can do for my first day of a teacher" soon the school bell rang starting off the school day you were making sure nothing bad will bad happening.

???? " hey girls what do you think the new teacher is like"

???? " I don't know I think she might be like all the other teacher who have been around for a long time"

???? " well she most be someone of importance if ms faragond is having her teach her and holding a school meeting for her"

???? " do you think she in there I hope she not some old teacher that believe in the old way of magic" you soon laughed as your could hear many voices coming from the hallways making you smile and remember your days as student. Soon the door open a bit and you soon saw a face of someone.

Y/n " hello you can come inside if you wish"

???? " oh hello are you new student ... girls there someone already in here" girl soon stepped into the classroom soon followed by others as well, they all looked at you think you were a new student.

Y/n " you are so nice but no I'm your teacher"

???? " no way you are to young to be our teacher we thought our new teacher was older"

??? " Stella"

Stella " sorry"

Y/n " it okay but yes I'm your new teacher my name is ms y/n happy to meet you girls please have sit ladies" soon all the girls had taken their sits and were looking at you.

Y/n " I will be your girls teachers as you all noticed we are a bigger classroom then usual, as my class will be teaching you all to use magic as witches"

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Where stories live. Discover now