Yandere smiley x chubby reader x yandere angry

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You had won the attention of twins of toman smiley and angry once they laid their eyes on you at school, they knew right away you were going to be theirs. They are not the typical yandere they did gives you some freedom but they hated when other guys, came near you and it looked like they were trying to take you away.

Smiley " babe"

Y/n " smiley"

Smiley " hey cutie we were worried about you and came to see how you were doing"

Angry " shouldn't you guys in pe class"

Angry " no"

Smiley " maybe but we got bored and decided to come see you"

Y/n " aww so you are skipping class that what I hear"

Angry " oh come on babe why do you have to be so mean"

Y/n " I know you guys can be how do I say it overprotective but you guys need to keep your grades up"

Smiley " fine we will head back to class we just wanted to make sure you were okay, you had been saying some classmates was harassing you yesterday and we came to teach him a lesson"

Y/n " I understand but he not here right now so we are good"

Angry " fine but if she comes back tell us so we can beat him up":

Y/n " guys I don't want you all to get in trouble again"

Smiley " we will do anything to keep you safe even if it means we have to get in trouble" you knew this was a losing fight, and you soon gave in there was no point of keeping this fight going.

Y/n " fine"

Later that day

Y/n " thank you guys for walking me home"

Angry " hey if it gives us right to eat some of your cooking then yes we will walk you home"

Y/n " oh so you all want free food"

Angry " yes free food and hey we are all by ourselves parents are out of town"

Y/n " fine but you are all helping"

Smiley " okay that a good deal" The guys had helped you make dinner but they left for a quick while to deal with some tomam business but they were back soon enough, you wanted to ask them what was the matter but you didn't. The next day in class you were told the boys who had been bothering was in the hospital, none knew who put him in the hospital because the guys was not a well like persons and caused many issues.

Male x Chubby reader book 4 (completed) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя