"They need a dad?"

"Lol you need to stop, boy how old are you?"

"I'm 21 but I'm more mature than you think" he said handing me my drinks.

"Thanks sir"

"I want you to call me daddy"

"I already have a dad and that's not you. Leave my mom the hell alone nicca"

"Zyaire watch ya mouth. I'm sorry but I gotta go" I pulled off.

"But mama he was trying to take daddy place"

"Boy ain't nobody taking ya dad place"


"But nothing,. And I don't want to hear you cursing again"

"Rd" he said with an attitude.

I swear his attitude is the worse. He got an attitude just like Zoey.

We drove back to the house and Zyaire went in the house. I put the triplets in their stroller and took them into the house.

I wiped them down and put them in their separate cribs.

I went into my room and stripped out my clothes. I went into my bathroom and turned the shower.

I turned the music on and got in the shower. I washed my hair and was in there for a while.

When I finally got out I went into my closet to look for something to put on. I didn't have a towel on so I was standing there naked.

I was looking through my clothes and I felt somebody wrap their arms around me and moan in my neck.

"Paco move"

"Why babe you look so sexy" he said feeling on my breasts.

"Paco move like now" I said as he started placing kisses on my neck.

"Paco move forreal" I said moving his hand as he tried to finger me.

"PST man you tripping" he said sucking his teeth and going to sit on the bed.

"How did you get in here?" I asked after i put some shorts and a sports bra on.

"Zy let me in" he said laying down.

"Uhm what are you doing?"

"Getting comfortable"

"Get up. And why are you here?"

"My son asked me to come over"

"So whyy you not with him?"

"Because I wanted to see my baby" he said licking his lips while looking at me.

"The triplets sleep"

"I'm talking about you. Why you acting like that?"

"How I'm acting?"

"Like I'm not ya daddy" he said pulling me towards him.

"Nicca you not my dad" I said in my little kid voice.

"You play too much babe" him calling me that again made me blush.

"Oool is that a smile I got??" I covered my face.

"No dont cover it up I love to see you smile chocolate you look beautiful"
He moved my hands and kissed me.

I kissed him back.  He gripped my butt and pulled me closer.

"Mmm" I broke the kiss.

"I miss you babe"

"I miss you too" I said with my head on his shoulders.

"Can I come home?"

"Don't ruin the the moment"

"So I can't come home now? What that bytch coming back over!?"

"Bye yo you can go spend time with ya son you just made me mad" I said getting up.

"Whatever yo" he got up and walked out.

Niccas fvcking erks me.


After Kee left I locked up the house happy her lyin axx was gone. I wasn't gone say that tho cause I know Debbie would've been madder than she already was.

I put all the kids to sleep after they cleaned up and I put the food up and I walked to our bedroom but the door was locked.

"Baby open the door", I was jiggling the handle but I couldn't hear anything but the TV. "Debbie"

"Couch", was all she said.

"Can I at least hop in the shower and get my clothes or sum"

"Yo stuff is in the guest bedroom in the dresser and you better not sleep in there either", I smacked my lips and left down the stairs so we don't keep fighting.

I turned on ESPN and watch a basketball game until I fell asleep just thinking. I know Debbie want everybody to go back to getting along but shyt change and we may have to keep it like this. It's a shame when you can't trust yo own family, seem like they be the biggest snakes.

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