Sugar on Her Lips

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Extra long chapter for you Zelink fiends but I know that won't stop any of you from reading this in the shortest amount of time possible and nothing hurts me more.


Zelda's Perspective

I'd dressed in light blue today and took the time to do more than just brush my hair. I braided a band across the top of my head and pinned back the baby hairs with blue clips and I finished it off by giving the ends a slight curl. I brought my makeup with me to freshen up after school and with the hot classroom I'm sitting in, I'm glad I did.

Revali looks more sour than usual, even worse than yesterday. He twirls his pencil around his fingers rather than taking notes. Impa is sleeping and Groose might as well be. He's draped over his desk like he's melting with an expression close to defeat that can be from any number of things from the promise he made yesterday to running out of hairspray. Mipha is the only lively one though I don't strike up a conversation. I can't knowing she's liked Link for so long and I'm the one he's seeing. I thought I only had to keep it a secret from Father, not one of my friends as well.

I jot down another line of notes, adding variation to the sentences on the chalkboard. Finals are coming up and I want to impress Father by getting perfect scores on all of them. He wasn't here this morning and came home too late last night for me to show him the test I'd gotten a hundred percent on. It's the first thing I'll do the next time I see him.

Revali nudges me with his foot, breaking the focus I'd been working so hard to maintain. Mustang boy takes up my thoughts when I let him. "What?" I whisper.

"Are you doing anything after school?"

"Why?" I ask slowly. I can't think of a time he's ever asked if I was busy. And he asks on the day I have a date planned.

His expression is almost pained as he thinks of his answer. "I'm bored."

"You're bored."

"That's what I just said."

Groose perks up, getting my attention from Revali's other side. "I'm bored too."

"What am I supposed to do about that?"

"I don't know," Revali grumbles. "Can't we hang out or something?" Mipha looks up from her notes now, listening to the conversation. If she weren't here, I'd tell them I was going on a date since they know all about Link thanks to Impa's lack of secret keeping skills.

"I can't today."

"Why?" Groose whines. Just when I thought I'd gotten him to leave me alone. Old habits die hard I suppose. I just wish his habit didn't involve asking me on dates.

"You both know I work at the library on Tuesdays."

"Can we go with you?" In all the years I've known this grump of a boy, he's never asked let alone begged to spend time with me. Just getting him to pick a desk next to me was hard enough.

"Maybe on Thursday," I offer. Groose opens his mouth to whine more but I speak first. "You can't come with me today so don't ask again. I'm already tired of telling you no." He slumps into his chair and crosses his arms, his face turning red. Revali doesn't even laugh at him.

"Why don't you two hang out together?" I close my notebook and tuck my pencil away. It isn't worth it to scratch down the last section of notes in the little bit of time left. I can do it tonight for homework since I still have to finish yesterday's. I spent so much time on the phone with Impa and by the time I got off, I was too dizzy to think about school. Link was on my mind until I fell asleep, imagining what he was doing and where he would take me today for our first date.

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