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You blinked tiredly, eye bags clearly seen from under your eyes. Your hands were starting to hurt on how many reports you've been writing, typing and typing away for hours.

But still, you kept going not letting your lack of sleep get to you.

Your fingers grazed the letters of the typewriter, the machine letting out a clicking sound every now and then. You remembered when you asked Vox if you could used something more familiar for work. When he asked what, you showed him this and he looked at you like you were insane.

But he just shrugged and said help yourself.

Some people would say you're weird and an old fossil but you couldn't help it. You admired the old times when you were alive, and loved reminiscing New Orleans. Not to mention how beautiful the font looked.

You finished the report with a single period and saved the paper, the machine letting out a loud click. You breathed in and saw the absolute mess on your desk from how frantically you've been working. You hummed a small tune and fixed it up, putting papers away. Flipping through you saw one of the reports for the hotel and you felt the huge pang of guilt again.

You narrowed your eyes and opened a new tab, getting ready to keep writing.

It's gonna be a long night.


You narrowed your eyes, walking down the hall not to seem suspicious on what you were doing.

What were you doing? Well, glad you asked. Well, not glad.

You were quietly leaning against the wall right next to Charlie's office, hearing muffled voices of the lesbian couple talking about the hotel. Unfortunately, you couldn't hear much cause the door was closed and you instantly assumed the information was important, since you have to report everything back to...you know who.

Goddamn it, I can't hear shit-

"What are you doing?"


You quickly turned around to see June, hands clasped behind her back as she raised an eyebrow at you.

"Oh hehe.." you chuckled, backing up a bit forgetting there was a literal wall behind you. Fuck.

You cleared your throat. "Well, I was just um..." Fuck.

"Being super nosy...!" you laughed it off, shaking your head. "Yeah, I was just curious to see what's going on in there. Y'know, it gets boring from time to time.." you chuckled.

Wow. You are the shittiest liar ever.

June chuckled and put a hand on her hip, "I didn't take you to be the prying type." She came closer, flicking your forehead with a smirk. "Chismosa, as Vaggie would say."

You chuckled nervously rubbing your arm. "Hehe, yeah..." You put a hand on her shoulder tilting your head grinning, "Hey, do me a favor. You hear anything about what Charlie and Vaggie said, tell me alright?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Fine chismosa. To cure your boredom and whatnot." she waved her hands a bit while she walked down the hall, making you grin wider.

"Thanks June! You're a lifesaver!" you yelled after her, which she made a little salute back to you. Your grin faltered a bit, as you walked her shadows walk further away from you.

Damn it, there's that weird gut feeling again.....

A ringing sound from your pocket made your eyes widen a bit, as you took out your phone and looked at the caller. Your grin now completely gone and replaced with a reluctant frown, you turned on your heel and glanced down the hall one more time and picked up the call.

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