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"Ha! Read 'em and weep boys! Full-" he got cut off by a huge amount of glitching and static and symbols. "Whoa..the hell?? What the fuck is this??" he muttered before his eyes landed on Alastor.

"You!" he said narrowing his eyes. "Oh Husker my good friend glad you could make it!" he said chipper as ever. "Don't you Husker me you son of a bitch. I WAS ABOUT TO WIN THE WHOLE DAMN POT!" "Good to see you too!" he said with a smile, while Husker facepalmed.

"What the hell do you want with me this time?"

"My friend I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services!" he said. "I hope that's okay."

"Are you shitting me?" he growled. 

"Hmm...no I don't think so!"

"You thought it would be some kinda big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?! You think I'm some kinda fucking clown?!" he yelled.


"I ain't doing no fucking charity job." "Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment." he continued. "With your charming smile--he pulled his mouth to form into a grin only for it to drop back down into a frown--and welcoming energy this job was made for you!"he grinned once more.

"Don't worry my friend I can make this more welcoming..." he used his magic to place cheap booze on the counter. "If you wish."

"What? You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?" Husker said, coming closer to Alastor and glaring at him, but at the same time grabbing the drink.

He looked at it. "Well you can!" he said and took a swing.

"Hey hey hey!" Vaggie yelled. "No bar! No alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin!" While she was talking, you looked behind you and saw Angel getting a running start to tackle her. You stepped aside when he came running. "Not some kind of..mouth..brothel..man cave-" she got cut off buy Angel. "Shut up! Shut up!" he yelled.

"We are keeping this." he said pointing to the bar and made his way to Husker. You followed along out of boredom and sat on one of the stools.


"Go fuck yourself."

"Only if you watch me~" he said leaning closer to him with a smirk.

"Oh my gosh!" Charlie said excited. "Welcome to the happy hotel! You are going to love it here!" se said leaning closer with stars in her eyes and a wide grin. 

"I lost the ability to love years ago." he said flatly and took a sip of his drink again.

You playfully smirked and spun on your stool. "Can't love anymore huh~? Well how about if I-"

"Don't try anything slut." he growled which made you chuckle and spin some more.

"So, what do you think?" Alastor said. 

"This is amazing!!" she said, with a happy grin. He looked at Vaggie with innocent eyes. "It's...okay." she muttered.

He laughed and pulled the both of them closer. "This is going to be very entertaining!"

Before you knew it, the lights dimmed and Alastor was singing a jazz song while everyone immediately changed outfits into something more fancy and charming. Angel wore a white and pink suit with a straw boater while Charlie got her hair shorter and wore a black and pink long dress and etc.

Alastor's magic rubbed onto you as it changed your outfit to a charming suit/dress. Your eyes widened as your mouth was agape in surprise.

He spun and spun around the hotel bringing Charlie along with him, and danced and sang about bringing business into this hotel, and also for his own entertainment. You were too busy being swept away by all the lights and the music, you didn't even notice his real intentions.

"They'll spend a little time~" he sang. "Down at this hazbin ho-" he got cut off by a loud bang and explosion which send the door (idk if that was a door) flying and hit Niffty straight first. 

Your eyes widened in shock while you looked to where she was to try and see if she was okay. The others didn't even bother and looked to see where it came from.

   Ok who did that? 

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