Chapter 24: Wide-Range Warp

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Ravi gripped Aksis's back tightly, taking out the warp device he was carrying. He activated it as a random set of coordinates was selected. Ravi mocked the huge Fallen who startled the moment he realized what Ravi's idea was. Then, both of them vanished in front of Leah's panicked sight.

"R-RAVI! RAVI NOOO!" yelled the girl desperately, rushing to the spot where Ravi vanished.

It was then that Taeko stepped in, and took a firm grip of Leah's shoulders. "Hey! Hey! Listen to me!" the exo said, though Leah seemed to be paying no attention at first. Taeko got a little more serious, and so the girl finally listened.

"R-Ravi! We have to save him! He is...!"

"I know! I know that you are worried but...!!" Taeko paused mid-sentece and sighed, wanting to leave something clear. "I know... that you are worried about your friend, ok? But you have to focus. We are in a real battle right now"


"Besides... that boy is tough AND smart. Hell! He even managed to shut that idiot of Cordell up! So, instead of worrying about him, you have to trust him. Trust his plan. He just gave us the chance to keep moving. Let's not waste it"

Leah widened her look in realization, knowing Taeko was right. And if that wasn't enough for her, Cybel showed up as well, nodding with determination as the huntress took a long sigh. "Okay... Let's do this" she finally claimed.

As for Ravi and Aksis... Well...




Somewhere else...

A plain landscaspe. Nothing but a rocky wasteland of yellowish ground could be seen all around. The sky was of a weird color, a mix between dark blue and purple with a few hints of grey. Not only that, but the gigantic figure of a gaseous stellar body could be seen all the way up, covering most of the sky. It was... Jupiter. That's right. This place was none other than one of the several moons of Jupiter blessed by the Traveler... Io.

Suddenly, 2 figures spawned at the top of one of the rocky cliffs. Those were Ravi and Aksis. Both enemies had been warped there. However, they had no time to admire the scenery given the fist fight they were in at the moment. They both rolled down the cliff, sorely hitting the ground many times while attacking each other. At one point, Ravi took a hold of the warp device and activated it again. He and Aksis teleported out of that place instantly, along with some nearby rocks.




At Venus...

Ravi and Aksis showed up again. They were back on Venus. However, they were in the middle of the sky, falling down alongside the debris brought from Io. The opponents spun without control, trying to hit each other uselessly. Ravi barely managed to land a soft punch on Aksis's face, but still, gravity made sure he couldn't control where he was falling.

It wasn't until seconds later that the warlock noticed they were close to the ground. He startled childishly, taking out the warp device again. He quickly activated it as Aksis took a grip of his leg. Then, they both vanished again while the debris from Io crashed against Venus's soil. The weird trip wasn't over yet.




At Mars...

Ravi and Aksis warped into Mars's desert. They hit the ground as the reddish sand covered part of their bodies. The bluenette didn't lose time and got up. Aksis did the same, but by then, The warlock launched a flaming fire sphere against the Fallen. The attack exploded the moment it made contact, creating a smoke cloud. Now, Ravi couldn't check if his attack had been effective or not, but then, he noticed a blueish light in between the dust.

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