Chapter 2: Quick Bout

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Mon - 1st day of exams...

The days passed and the time for exams was nearly upon the first-year students. Ravi and his friends had gathered in Kadiah's supposedly perfect place, and even received the help of others like Idus, Caleb and Gamia. However, that is a story for another day. Right now, the guardians stepped into their wide classroom, having spent their time studying during the last couple of days. Leah and Ravi took a seat, and waited for Cayde to show up, the huntress's nervousness turning clear as her face displayed how tense she felt.

"Relax, Leah" Ravi muttered calmly. "Everything will be fine as long as you don't let it disturb you"

"I know..." Leah replied dubiously. "It's just that... I can't help it. A great part of the final score depends on these exams. H-how could you not be tens...?" Suddenly, the bruenette girl startled as she saw the bluenette's hands, his fingers clapping against the table continuously and leaving clear that he was just as nervous as she was.

"As I was saying... You can feel as nervous as you want... Just don't let it disturb you"

"R-Ravi..." Leah's expression slowly changed into a determined one, understanding that Ravi was right after all. "O-okay... We can do this..."


Soon after, Cayde-6 arrived and the process finally began. The first exam was delivered and time was running for the trainees, having only 90 minutes to solve it entirely. Some of them were struggling to think, others had a clear idea of what to write, and others even left the room before the time was up, meaning they had either finished the exam fast... or gave up entirely.




Tue - 2nd day of exams...

The students stepped into the classroom as tense as they were the day before, but readier as well given that the ice of the 'exams week' had finally been broken. Like any kid coming back to classes after a long time of vacations, the 1st day is always bound to be the hardest and most tedious one.

Leah and Ravi took a seat as Cayde entered the room, delivering the second exam... and starting the time. 90 minutes was all they had again, however, Ravi actually finished with almost 30 minutes of spare time. As he returned his exam sheets back to Cayde and with an innocent expression, Leah sweat-dropped and grinned for she knew how easy this test had been for him. It was mostly about math and science after all, though she wasn't planning to stay behind either. Ravi had helped her study a lot just for this test, and she wasn't gonna let that effort go to waste.




Wed/Thu - 3rd & 4th day of exams...

Nothing of relevance occurred as the the trainees simply received and got on with the respective mid-term tests. A curious thought did cross Ravi's head during the 3rd day though: The fact that the whole Tower, including its hallways and wide courtyards, were all silent and calm. It was all due to the exam. After all, the many other 1st-year classes were also dealing with their own tests at that exact moment, THIS with the goal of avoiding trainees from different classes from telling the questions between each other.

During the 4th day, neither Ravi nor Leah exited the room before the time was up, meaning this had actually been a challenge of a knowledge exam for them. They both took long sighs and breaths after finally coming out of the classroom, wanting to relax as soon as possible, but knowing there was still one last knowledge exam to deal with.

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