Before we begin

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So I just want to warn everyone because I'm gonna play with Elsa's (Evan's) personality a bit.

Just because Elsa is so like bland in the movie (sorry not sorry) like listen I love Elsa, but she was cooped up for so much, her entire personality was scared and insecure of her power. The second movie was of course better for her cause she was no longer scared so she allowed herself to be more open, but yeah.

So I want to give Evan more humour or whatever so that Y/N could fall in love with him. So he's gonna have a different personality with her.

Also, I'm imaging Evan as a more buff/mature  and taller Jack Frost. 🤭 cause I don't find all the male Elsa art attractive. Not that they're ugly (they really aren't) I just can't find myself attracted to them for some reason.

It also makes a lot of sense cause Jack Frost died for his sister, and Elsa isolated herself to protect Anna. So they kind of relate in that aspect (and the ice powers ofc.)

Yeah so if your reading and you think he may give if Jack Frost vibes. That's probably why, I'm imaging him as Jack Frost.

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