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The next morning I woke up to the sound of silence. Not a sound was being heard, not even people in the halls. I looked around my room and saw my alarm clock. 2:20 A.M. is what it reads

"D*mn, it's early." I thought getting out of bed

I walked around for a little while. I looked at my closet to see my new uniform neatly hung up. I walked over to it and touched the fabric. It was softer than I expected. After a few minutes of doing nothing I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I looked around and sat down at the table. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked at them. It was Kate and she looked like she had a lot of energy.

"Do you want to come run through the woods with me?" Kate asked

"Ya." I said standing up

"Ok." Kate said

We opened the portal to the forest and walked through. I waited for Kate and when she got through we started walking.

"How did you sleep?" I asked

"Fine. How about you?" Kate asked

"I can't tell if I got any." I said rubbing my neck

"Well did you toss and turn all night?" Kate asked

"I don't even know." I said chuckling

"Ok." Kate said giggling

"So how hungry are you?" I asked

"I don't know, maybe a rabbit or two." Kate said

"Then let's head back and make some breakfast for everyone." I said chuckling

"Ok." Kate said

We walked back to the portal and walked back into the apartment. I walked into the living room to see if everyone was there.

"Kate, Marry and Taran are cuddling again." I whispered

"Wow." Kate whispered back

"So what do we make for breakfast?" I asked

"I don't know." Kate replied

"I kinda want some pot roast." I whispered

"For breakfast?" Kate whispered jokingly

"Ya, I mean it has to pressure cook but it's also so early. We probably have time to make some and put some seasoning in it and what not." I said

"I don't care what we have." Kate said

"Well I'm going to do the pot roast with the deer." I said walking yinto the freezer room

"Do you want help?" Kate asked

"Ya." I replied

We got the deer out of the freezer and decided to use the leg meat for the pot roast. We got what we needed and put it back in the freezer. I started to cut up some onions to put in with it and I checked to make sure we had carrots. We also had some potatoes and the other things we needed to toss in. I then made sure we had all of the herbal ingredients too. When I finished checking we put the stuff in the pressure cooker and sealed it. Now all we had to do was play the waiting game. After a few hours went by it was now 5:00. The smell of the pot roast was filling the apartment and might I just say it smelled so good.

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