Story Update!

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Hello, everyone!

Now, you're probably thinking, "why the hell is Minty updating The Bird and the Garden 3 here? Where's the chapter?" Or "WHERE IS VALENTINE'S DAY PART TWO!?"

They're coming. They're coming.

This update is about the endings. The ending of the story will leave only two options, but I want more endings than that because I have so many ideas.

So this time around, the ending depends on what happened throughout the whole story. You'll see what I mean.

But, BUT! There's more.

Two of the endings I've thought up aren't just endings - they lead into their whole own spin-off story based around that ending.

Now these spin-offs, they won't feature Yin and Vao as our primary focus. They do take roles in the endings, but they aren't the protagonists. The main protagonists of these stories so far, are...

Sapphire Primary. Our autistic fairy-turned-doll gets her own story.

Violet and Midori Branwen. They get their own story too.

Note that when I say these are stories, I mean they'll be their own books. These stories... Well, they'll be fucked up. You know how I write dark stories.

But it gets worse. New characters appear! And for two of them, I already have a rough outline of a story for them, something that happens during the events of Sapphire's spin-off. And no, it isn't good.

New enemies! New friends. Dead friends.  Horrifying realizations and new, fantastical places. These stories will have it all.

Note that these spin-offs are not backstories for these characters, as Sapphire's childhood had already been shown - her parents being murdered by the Church with her, Jasper, and Tourmaline being the sole survivors, and living a homeless life stealing food until the First Vao and Mono found them. Violet and Midori, well, there isn't much to show that hasn't already been said - Tim, Chuck, and Alice were there, Verde was always home, and Vao was distant due to his paranoia of Yin coming back to kill them while simultaneously trying to be the best parent he could be.

As I've been saying, they're entire new adventures.

We might even get to see some of the other kingdoms of Twist.

Oh, yeah. The Bird and the Garden 3 took place in one kingdom. The Wilds and the Sea of Sands were the only places outside the kingdom that was travelled to, along with the Endless Blue in Part One of the Valentine's Special, which is the sea. Aldia, despite what people might think, wasn't its own kingdom - it was just a large city where a bunch of drunk elves inspired by Russians lived.

Yeah. The elves are canonically a bunch of wild drunks.

I hope you're all excited. Because once the Good Ending and Bad Ending is finished, one of those stories will happen after a short epilogue chapter in TBatG3.

Now, which would you guys like to see first? Sapphire Spin-off, or the Violet and Midori Spin-off?

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