rant (no alcohol)

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Hey guys! Been a while. The next chapter of TBatG3 is a little late because I'm currently fighting an infection on both of my feet - nothing serious, thankfully.

In the time I've spent brainstorming the next chapter, which involves scouting out Ragna due to the presence of the Church, I remembered this book about my opinions on things, my book of rants where politics never come into play because all politicians have their issues. So, here's another little rant from Minty.

Let's start off by getting the topic of this rant out of the way:

Cheater! (Insert Character) X Male Reader

Ah, yes. We're going into that territory. Oh, the memories of my middle school years where I was a cringey weird discounted off-brand cornerstone edgelord, like most of us were in that time of our lives, as much as we hate to remember that.

The cheated reader stories we've all seen on this site aren't... Great. Not good either, and that's me putting it nicely. Don't get me wrong, there's probably a few out there that are phenomenal; I like to look at things from a broad perspective.

But most of them are the stuff you'd find in the women's rest room - and no, those places aren't clean like us guys think. After hearing some horror stories of the women's bathroom, I'd take the men's room any day.

Now, the glaring problem of most cheated fics out there.

Canon, source characters acting OOC without anything prior happening.

Yep, I'm guilty of characters acting out of character too. TBatG1 had Ruby, Yang, and their families more apologetic, and Raven didn't leave. Yeah, I twisted it so Raven would stay because I wanted her to be in the plot without going through the whole wild goose chase side plot, and it was important for Vao's character.

However, they were different for a reason. Traumatic shit happened to them. Trauma can change a person completely, and we saw it with Yin in TBatG1; he went from being a pacifist to an abusive jackass. Ruby, Yang, Qrow, Tai, and Raven watched a kid get gored, and Summer had been the one who did it. Name one person who wouldn't be mentally devastated by that.

In TBatG2, I tried to keep them more in-character with the exception of Ruby because of how that story's plot went. I hope I did enough, even with the more comedic parts with Raven being a questionable mother figure, Tai being a complete goofball, and all that groovy jazz.

However, most cheated fics don't have that. No traumatic events, they just act out of character. Let's start with Weiss, because there are a lot of Cheater Weiss fics for some reason. And Yang, too.

In most fics, she just outright acts like a whore. While Neptune is charming and all, I highly doubt she'd just willingly cheat.

Note that I'm talking about earlier fics here, but Weiss was generally a nice person, with her arc literally being that she was too rich to understand poor people. But she had morals, whereas most of her family didn't, and that's why she was able to improve.

Then there's the edgy parts where Weiss will just straight up bully the reader/author insert for calling her out on cheating, or she'd develop into a crying, manipulative bitch.

Yang sometimes does the crocodile tears in these cheated fics, which I can't see happening with the fucking Hubble Telescope.

I get it's for a character development or whatever, but I feel there should be a legitimate reason given why that's happening in the first place. Let's be honest, most fics go like this:

(NeverTalkedToAWoman Insert walks down the hall with a bouquet of flowers and sees Team RWBY with the exception of Weiss standing outside their dorm room looking sad.

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