notes about team FRSB and other stuff

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This is just stuff I didn't really mention in the character introduction chapter in TBatG2. Mainly because of the way I write their profiles.

I figured this would go a bit more in-depth about the dynamic of the team.

It's pronounced 'Frostbite' lmao. Just realized it looks like 'Frisbee'.

Verde Forest

- The non-fanfic version of Verde is a German. Or at least my world's equivalent of German, accent and everything (I'm not talking about Remnant here, but the world I'm currently building that TBatG3 will take place in).

- This one was mentioned already, but Verde is 157 centimeters tall. For all Americans out there, that is 5 feet and 2 inches. Or as I like to call it, enough to get Twitter screaming in fury lmao.

- Verde is the brains of FRSB. I've mentioned that one. But what I didn't mention is Verde's IQ is 178. A literal fucking genius, which is why she was the one to do research about Salem.

- Verde's height is a side-effect from childhood malnutrition. I can't remember if I mentioned that in the character intros in TBatG2 or not, so I figured I'd mention it here.

- Non-fanfic Verde doesn't have any friends outside of FRSB.

- I initially based Verde off of Venti from Genshin Impact. That's the biggest reason her first name starts with a V, and since it has to be named after a color for the fanfic, I chose a Spanish word for her name despite her German descent. Rojo's name was me just keeping up that tradition. Verde's mom is the only one without a Spanish color for her name; it's Midori, which means green in Japanese.

- Verde has social anxiety.

- Verde doesn't know how to play video games.

- In non-fanfic canon, Verde is the only one with a horrific past, and it led to her inability to express herself. As a result, she couldn't make any friends. That's why she grows attached to Vao when he just doesn't care about her seemingly empty personality and wants to know her.

- The Verde and Vao ship was my favorite ship to write. Initially, they were only going to be best friends. However, I felt that given Verde's background, it would change to be something more. I've never really been good at writing romance (hence why the first TBatG didn't have much of it), so I saw it as a good chance to practice, starting with the flirting and Vao's stupidity. Eventually, it bloomed and I really enjoyed writing about it. What were your thoughts on it? Should I have kept it more off to the side, or was it fine?

Sasha Steel

- I was drunk when I thought up Sasha, and I was reading, ahem, cultured content. So I figured I'd make a tall tanned tomboy. She was the headmistress for Vacuo in the original TBatG, and initially wasn't planned to be kept around. But I liked the character, so I aged her down to the rest of the team.

- Sasha was originally going to be 221 cm. For my fellow Americans, that is 7 feet and 3 inches. Sasha was going to be fucking massive. However, when I sobered up, I realized that was way to fucking tall, so I lowered her height to 6 foot 9. Then I didn't like that after the original story, so in TBatG2 I bounced it up to her current height of 210 cm (6 feet and eleven inches).

- Sasha is the strongest of her team. Vao's nickname for her, 'Biceps', is not named after this, but the fact that she's actually shredded. Sasha canonically can crush soda cans flat with her abs.

- Sasha will destroy you in sports and video games.

- Sasha, despite her intimidating size, is actually the friendliest of FRSB. That's why she doesn't really use her Semblance outside of major fights in TBatG2. That's also the reason she specifically asked Vao to piss her off during the Vytal Festival, because she knew he had the best chance.

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