hey guys

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We're already 37 chapters into the third story of the TBatG trilogy, and it's almost halfway done. That makes it longer than the first story.

I hope you guys are still enjoying the story. I've still got loads planned for it, as well as ideas for several different endings (with the good ending being canon).

A lot of you guys stuck with me after all this time - it's already been over three years. Like, holy shit I'm grateful to have you guys.

I just wanted to say thank you for your patience. I love reading your comments and hearing your thoughts, even if TBatG3 is filled with my own characters - which is because I wanted to try making something on my own, hence why I built the world myself.

Speaking of which, how do you guys like the new villains so far? Jack, Mono, and the fairies? I know there's others like Glenroy, but the Church wasn't really a focus due to the recent chapters taking place in Grimmore. Don't worry, the Church still plays a major role.

We even got an old villain coming back, that being the First Vao. Right now, the heroes of the First Timeline are still struggling to figure a way to stay on Twist. What do you guys think of him coming back?

Well, regardless, thank you guys for sticking around and enjoying the story even through the tough bits. Life's been a struggle lately, and knowing you guys enjoy my writing helps keep me going.

Love you guys.

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