Part 1

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In this world, there are all sorts of hybrid types. Ranging from the most common, like dogs or cats, to the rarest, bears, pumas, and rabbits. The distinctive signs vary depending on each person, some only have ears, others have a tail in addition.

Their characteristics also vary depending on each individual. Lions have a more developed physical strength than any other animal. Bears are seen as being very comforting.

And what about rabbits?

"Mark, stop watching this series, it's stupid," said one of the men in the room.

"You don't understand, Yuta," replied the concerned Mark, "This series perfectly explains the beauty of rabbits hybrid."

The two are sitting on the couch, watching a very popular TV series right now. It highlights the perfect description of a rabbit hybrid.

That is to say, someone who doesn't talk much, is very shy, and often needs help even for the smallest things. A fragile person who makes a large group of hybrids want to protect them. Unfortunately, there are not many of them left, due to their fragility, many people target them.

They often end up in underground networks, in the middle of human trafficking and mafias. Others are killed to retrieve their ears, which are of incomparable softness.

"You have to get this idea out of your head," said Yuta, "one you'll never meet one and two let's imagine you meet one who tells you she fits all these clichés. That's bullshit"

"She has to fit them, I know there's one out there waiting for me."

Why do you think human trafficking of hybrid rabbit exists ? Maybe for their beauty that rivals with foxes ? For their ears worth more than a million dollars? For their rarity and to show off to other rich people?

Many would answer yes. While everyone knows that these are just lies, or secondary reasons. The real reason no one really says it, and yet it concerns the greatest sin of humanity: Sex.

Rabbit hybrid, are know for a lot of things and reasons that defers for each humans, but the thing that come directly in minds when you talk about them is this word. This hybrid is one of a few species that got their heat, but even more, in opposition to other species they don't have it one or two times a year but One or two days every month. And because of this, they're easier to make horny because of the hormones that constently are here.

And that's exactly what people who can afford it are looking for. In the end, you could say that the whole world doesn't have much respect for this hybrid. Being rare and quite unknown, it is considered an object more than a person.

"You're dreaming too much, Mark," Johnny said. "If you want one so badly, you can just go to one of the traffics, but I hope you've saved up."

"Never would I set foot there," Mark replied, his tiger ears drooping.

On the screen, you can see for the umpteenth time, the young rabbit being saved from certain death by a handsome guy with lion ears.

"It's incredible to kill people without any emotion, but to almost cry in front of this kind of series," Yuta sighed, scratching his lion-like ear.

Johnny gets up and grabs the remote control before turning off the TV. If he listens to this program for one more minute, he feels like he's going to explode the screen. This is followed by a cry of frustration from Mark, who really wanted to know the end of the current episode.

A high-pitched laugh resounds in the room, everyone recognizes Chenle's laugh. He doesn't have any distinctive physical features, being a dolphin hybrid. He can just swim incredibly fast.

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