Chapter 9

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Beau's POV

Luke has been pretty down for the past few days. I could tell something has been bothering him. He has been very quiet and to himself. I knock on his door, but he doesn't answer.

"Luke", I open the door peeking my head through. All his lights are close expect the light off his computer, which glows onto his face. He is leaning against the wall in a fetal position, head hung in between his legs.

"Go away", I hear him mumble.

"Luke what is wrong?". I open the lights and close the door behind me.

Luke doesn't look up, "I don't want to talk right now, can you leave me alone".

I have never seen Luke upset like this before. He is good at not letting anything bug him. Usually when something is wrong you would never know. He solves it by hooking up with girls, I guess that is how he gets his minds off of things.

"Luke I am not leaving until you tell me what is going on?".

Luke lifts his head to look at me his eyes blood shot red. He looks like he has been crying. "Are you cryi-".

"Get the fuck out!", he screams at me.

He leans his head back against the wall, looking up to the ceiling. He slides his hands down his cheeks wiping away his tears.

I walk over and take a sit beside him. "Luke, I am your brother. I am not going to leave you like this. Tell me what happened.... Did you get in a fight with Kassy?".

Luke closes his eyes in a wince as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"We broke up", he mumbles under his breath. My eyes widen, "What? When? Why? What happened?".

Luke takes a deep breath, "Her fucking father hates my guts. I was walking home from school and he stopped me. He told me to stay about from Kassy and all this other BS. I didn't want to make things complicated so I broke up with her. You know I am a huge fan of the easy way out". Luke pauses.

"You didn't want to break up with her did you?", O question softly. Luke places his head in between his knees, and doesn't answer me.

"Luke, you are with a different girl every week. Isn't it time to find a new one anyways. I have never seen you with someone for so long. Why don't we go out tonight and get your mind off of her. I think Ryan is throwing a party, and it is only 10 . Perfect time-".

"I don't want to go out tonight", Luke mumbles.

"Wow, do you lov-".

Luke interrupts me. "Don't even go there. I don't even fucking care that we broke up. She was too much work anyways-".

"Luke don't lie. I never seen you look at a girl like the way you look at Kassy. I know you have never felt like this before and it probably scares you, but don't pretend like you don't care about her. If you really didn't and she was like all the other girls, you wouldn't be here. You would be hooking up with a new girl by now. But no, you are upset and wishing you are still with her".

Luke sighs glancing over at me.

"Say what you want, but if you really care about her, you wouldn't let anything stand between you two. Fuck the saying if you love someone set them free. Go win her back bro".

"You are right. I need to make this right", Luke gets up and opens the door to his room. I get up and follow him.

"Luke where are you going! It is almost 11pm".

Luke ignores me as he grabs his keys and opens the front door, before stopping dead in his tracks.

"Luke what is wrong", I say walking over to him. I look out the door to see Kassy standing on our porch.

"I am going to leave you two alone".

Luke's POV

Beau is right I need to make things right with Kassy. I have a hard time admitting it but Kassy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am not losing the best thing I have ever had. I grab my keys and open the door. I freeze shock to see Kassy standing before me. She is panting out of breath. Her cheeks burning red. Her eyes red and puffy, she must have been crying.

"Luke I-".

Before she could say another word I grab Kassy by the waist and crash my lips against hers. Kassy hesitates at first, however kisses me back. The kiss sends chills through my body. All my mixed emotions are put into this kiss making it the most intense kiss we have ever shared. I pull away slightly, my forehead pressed against Kassy's. I keep my eyes close and take in the moment. "Kassanadra, I didn't mean anything I said. I can't be without you". Kassy opens her eyes and looks up at me. "My dad told me about that chat you had with him. I am so fucking pissed at him! I can't believe he would do such a thing. I want to be with you Luke. I don't want anything to come between us". Kassy pauses. I smile as I wipe the tears off her cheeks. "Nothing is going to come between us. Come here", I hug Kassy tightly, never wanting to let go.

"It is late. Your parents are probably-", Kassy stops me. "Please Luke! I don't want to go home. I can't face my parents right now. I am too upset with them".

I sigh, and bite my lip. I have never spent the night before with Kassy, and I was not sure if I would be able to control myself. Ever time I have spent a night with a girl we don't end up getting much sleep. Kassy stares at me silently, waiting for me to invite her to stay the night. I take Kassy's hand, "It is freezing out here, lets go inside". Kassy smiles at me.

I bring her inside my room. Jai is spending the night at a friends so it is going to leave me and Kassy alone in my room. I walk over to my closet and pull out one of my jumpers, t-shirt, and an old pair of shorts of mine. "Here babe. You can sleep in these". Kassy smiles at me however only takes the sweatshirt from my hands. A smirk grows on my face. I walk over to my bed thinking Kassy would go into the bathroom to change. I lye on my bed, and pull out my phone to check if I have any messages from my brothers. My eyes widen as I look up from my phone to see Kassy changing before me. A grin grows on her face as she peels off her T-shirt, "Don't look", she giggles. I try not to stare but I couldn't help myself. My eyes flicker from her chest to my phone. My attention is grabbed at her black lace bra. I bite my lip to avoid a smile. I look down to my phone pretending not to look. Kassy giggles slightly. She slips off her jeans and slips on my oversize t-shirt over her head. Then she puts on my navy blue American Apparel hoodie and zips it up.

She walks over to the bed and lyes beside me. She cuddles up into my chest and closes her eyes. I take a deep breath as I try to control myself. I can feel the bulge hardening underneath my boxers. I glance back to Kassy who is already fast asleep. I smile, she so cute when she is sleeping. I guess I have to learn what is it like to have a sleep over and actually sleep.

Kassy's POV

I wake up the next morning snuggled into Luke's chest with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I look up at Luke who is still fast. asleep. I rest my head into his chest. I could feel his heart beat. I twist my body around to look for my phone. I reach over to the floor and pick up my jeans and get my phone out of my back pocket. 7 missed calls from home, and 5 text messages from mom. Just great. I text my mother, 'Mom I spent the night at Savannah's house. I just need some time with the girls'.

Moments later I receive a text back, 'You had me worried sick! Next time tell me'.

I am pretty sure my mother is unaware of the incident. My father probably did not tell my mother what he said to Luke and that we broke up. My mother was finally getting use to the idea of us seeing each other, but my father in the other hand...

I hear Luke moan slightly. I look over at Luke, who is rubbing his eyes. He smiles at me slightly, "Good morning beautiful", he mumbles. He sits up propping himself on his elbows. He pulls me close for a kiss. Luke frowns as I pull away. "Luke this doesn't change the fact that my parents still don't want us to be together. What are we going to do?". Luke thinks for a moment, "I don't know. All I know is that I want to be with you".

"I think we should remain broken up", I quietly spoke.


Thank you to everyone that left me a comment! I appreciate all the wonderful feedback! I would love to continue to hear feedback from you guys!

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