Chapter 2

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"I don't know what to wear!", I shout throwing half my closet across my room.

"Kassandra we been to so many parties before, what makes this one so special? Wear what you usually would wear".

"Natalie don't you get it? She has to impress Luke", Savannah giggles.

I roll my eyes, "You two are no help!".

My phone vibrates which causes me to look down at it, "I better be seeing you at the party tonight", it is from Luke. I take a deep breathe before replying. "We'll see ;) ".

Savannah rises to her feet, and walks over into my closet. Moments later she walks back out holding some clothing pieces in her hand. "Here put this on". She hands me my black leggings, a cropped floral buster and my jean shirt. "It will make you look hot without making you look like a.. You know".

"Thank you!", I tell her and quickly run into the bathroom to get changed me finish my makeup.


"We have been at this party for an hour and I still haven't seen Luke yet!".

"Calm down, I thought he said he would text you when he got here".

"What if he is lying to me, to embarrassed me... You know what, lets just leave".

"Will you calm yourself! forget about Luke lets have some fun!" Savannah smiles.

"Look who decided to show up" I hear Natalie mumble under her breath. I turn my head to see Luke standing against a wall. The drink in his hand tells me his arrival wasn't recent.

"Why didn't he text me", my words come out as a whisper as I am a little disappointed and embarrassed.

"He probably has a line of girls waiting before he reaches you tonight", Natalie says and Savannah slaps his arm. I glare at her but she is probably right. I am such an idiot. I can't believe I thought Luke Brooks could actually be interested in me. If he wanted to hook up with me he would have texted me not been here for who knows how long and not even acknowledge my existence.

I don't want to stay here any longer, there is no point. I turn my back to my friends and begin to walk towards the front door. When I do I feel someone tug on my arm. I quickly turn to notice Luke standing behind me, showing me a seductive smile. His eyes flicker from my eyes moving their way down scanning my body. "You look incredibly sexy", a smirk grows on his face as he pulls me close.

"I was just leaving actually", I tell him staring at his lips.

"Come on, I just got here. Can I get you a drink?", he says pulling me even closer. The strong amount of alcohol on his breathe tells me another thing.

"No I am okay.. I am not much of a drinker".

"I can change that", he grins

I shake my head. I do have a drink once in a while but getting drunk around Luke does not sound like a smart idea to me.

"Did you just get here?".

"No I have been here for a hour or so", I tell him.

"You said you just got here?", I ask him and he nods. Lier.

"Are you sure I can't get you a drink?".

"Yes I am sure. I don't want to go home explaining to my parents why I smell like alcohol".

"Oh I see I have a good girl here", he grins seductively before taking his broom lip between his teeth.

"You know it is really loud down here... Why don't we go somewhere quieter so we can talk?", he flashes me am innocent smile.

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