Hop-Trump vs Joe Toadstool

Start from the beginning

Sprig: See? You're a natural.

Anne: Now head out there and get back in the game.

Anne tried to push Hop Pop out the door but he clinger onto the walls and the door in desperation.

Hop Pop: Let me go! The couch is the only one who understands me!

As Anne and Y/N used all their strength to push him out the house, Anne turned to Y/N.

Anne: Maybe you should go with him, Y/N. Make sure he actually goes to the interview.

Y/N nodded and quickly followed Hop Pop as they walked together to the interview. He waited outside the supermarket while he waited for the interview to end. A few minutes later, Hop Pop walked out the supermarket looking worse than before.

Male Frog: Thank you, Mr. Plantar. Don't call us, we'll call you.

Y/N: I take it the interview didn't go too well?

As they began to walk back to the house, a rush of frogs ran past them and to the bulletin board in the town centre.

Villager: Got to get ready!

Hop Pop: What's all this rabble?

Wally: Sign-ups for the election! You been living under a rock? 'Cause I have and even I knew that.

Hop Pop: Election?

The two went to the town hall and saw Toadstool making a speech to the crowd.

Toadstool: Vote Mayor Toadstool! If reelected, I will always look out for the little guy.

After he said this, he used Toadie like a stepping stool to get onto his snail.

Toadstool: Upsy-daisy.

Toadie and Toadstool drove off on the snail, spraying dust everywhere and making everyone cough.

Hop Pop: Some mayor. That guy keeps raising our taxes, and what do we got to show for it? Our snail-ways are a mess. Our buildings are falling apart. Heck, we ain't even replaced the schoolhouse after last year's millipede incident!

The children who were playing in the rubble of the school scream as a millipede lurches out of it.

Y/N: Hop Pop ...

Felicia: Am I crazy, or is he making sense?

Hop Pop: Maybe we need a mayor who looks out for the people he's mayoring. 'Cause ours, well... He's only looking out for himself. Anyway, good afternoon, everybody.

As Hop Pop walked off, Y/N got the perfect idea. He could repay Hop Pop and get the family back in business.

Y/N: Hop Pop for mayor everyone! Elect Hop Pop today for a mayor who really thinks about their people!

Wally: I nominate Hopediah Plantar for mayor!

Felicia: I second that!

Villager: I third it.

Villager: Let's hear it for Hopediah!

Villager: Sounds good to me.

Felicia: Hop Pop for mayor, everyone.

Hop Pop rushed back and leaned in to Y/N's ear.

Hop Pop: Boy, what are you doing?

Y/N: Just trust me. We can do this.

As they walked back to the Plantar farm, Y/N managed to bring Hop Pop's confidence on the idea up and as they got back, he was fully on board.

Hop Pop: Guess what, kids!

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now