Chapter 32

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"Kook, how come on we will be late." Taehyung said looking at his husband who was trying some earrings in his ears. "You look beautiful in all of them."

Finally Jungkook was done. Making Yeontan enter his room, the couple finally left their home for few hours.

"You said we we aren't going out." Jungkook pointed out. "Hmm. I also had said we won't be staying at home." Taehyung states taking left turn.

"It's way to your apartment." Jungkook said looking ahead. Taehyung just hummed.

"Come in." Taehyung said entering inside his old apartment. Light were still off, making younger stand in front of him Taehyung turned on the lights.

Taehyung had arranged dinner date for them. Actually, he wanted to go out with Younger since that isn't possible unless they plan to go public with their relationship. So for now they will be only engage themselves on  these types of dates. 

"Tae, What have you prepared? I don't see anything here? It's same as before." Jungkook states. He had thought elder had done something special but there was nothing special here. 

"You will know. Wear the slippers." Taehyung passed the slippers to Jungkook. 

"You were so nervous, when you came here for the first time, nearly 8 months ago. Can you believe that we got married within three months of meeting each other." Taehyung continues to talk, recalling their first met from his memories.

"You too, were nervous, opening the door you looked like you had seen some ghost." Jungkook too teased elder taking the seat in the couch. "Now can you tell me why are we here?" Jungkook questioned looking at elder.

"I thought we have a nice dinner in this apartment before it is owned by some one else." "You are selling the apartment?" Jungkook asked. "I had heard it is nice to invest in real estate, apartment is also an asset isn't it?" 

"It is. I just couldn't give it for lease, it would be better to sale it, I don't need it anyway. I just wanted to have happy memory of ours." Taehyung expressed. Actually Taehyung is selling his apartment because he didn't see the point of having this apartment anymore as he'll be staying with his husband and he doesn't have any doubt about their marriage as he knows his world is slowly revolving around Jungkook only.

"What do you want to drink? Banana shake?" Taehyung asked. Nodding his head Jungkook positively replied. Jungkook went behind elder towards the kitchen. 

"Tae, When did you prepared all this?" Jungkook asked seeing candles placed around the dinning table while he was following elder to the kitchen. "After office, before coming home." Taehyung replied. 

"Why are you so sweet?" Jungkook said standing in front of Elder who was just about to pour the shake in the glasses. "It's just how my husband's eye's see me." Taehyung passed the glass to Younger who had now taken sit in the kitchen counter. 

Taehyung made some popcorn as the couple sat down for the movie.  It was already ten when they finished the movie. Making Jungkook stay there Taehyung went to the kitchen to reheat the food. 

"Kook?" Taehyung asked for Younger's hand, which younger gave. Seeing the table full with varieties of food Jungkook wanted to scream out of joy, still he controlled himself. "It's so beautiful, Thank You." Taehyung had decorated the table with scented candles giving it beautiful look. 

Pulling Younger's chair Taehyung made Jungkook sit, sitting in front of the idol. "Did you made all these?" Jungkook asked as he knows Taehyung has been learning cooking for a while now. "I want to say yes, but it was prepared by some chef I know." 

"It's not Jin hyung's cooking." Jungkook said taking a bite. "You are right, it's not Jin hyung. I'll Introduce him some other time, in future." Taehyung said. 

"Do you want to go back or stay here?" Taehyung asked looking at his wrist watch which showed 11:30 pm. "No, let's go back home." Jungkook replied. "Hmm, Home will always be our safe place, we should head back." Taehyung said making Younger wear his mask. 

Jungkook had fallen asleep, Taehyung opened the house door so he could carry Younger back to the room. "Don't touch me." Jungkook slurred making Taehyung sigh. Taehyung carried younger though Jungkook was speaking some incoherent words. 

It was not new for Taehyung to listen Jungkook speak some incoherent words. Jungkook does so whenever Taehyung enters in the bed once younger has fallen asleep. He doesn't know how he will make younger's fear go. He doesn't have any idea what to do.

Covering Younger with duvet Taehyung went inside the closet to change his dress.

"Hello, Hyungsik Hyung."

"Were you sleeping?" Taehyung asked laughing at the end. 

"Are you free tomorrow?" Taehyung further inquired.

"No, nothing is going on. It's just Mr. Jeon has been asking to met you guys as he hasn't been updated about the matter for a while now."

"You guys can work on your terms, full him something too. He has been ringing my phone for a long time and I don't know how long I  can run from this." Taehyung explain as Hyungsik asked with the chief of prosecutor wants to poke his nose in their matter now?

"I don't want to entertain him in my house, in this situation so can we arrange a meeting with Mr. Jeon tomorrow?" Taehyung asked.

"I knew it, you are the best." Taehyung said receiving positive answer.

"See you tomorrow." Taehyung hung up the call.

"I will soon reveal the truth." Taehyung said looking at younger's sleeping figure.

Thank you, for waiting.
I was notified about my project just 4 days before submission so I didn't got the time to write.

I didn't wanted to update tomorrow as we have some goals to reach, so enjoy this short update.

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