Chapter 22

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Opening the door Jungkook saw the CEO was in some conference. Seeing the door open Taehyung's attention was drawn to younger. He then hurriedly ended the meeting.

"Tae tae." Aera was shouting thinking her voice was unreachable to her Uncle's ears. "Princess when did you cane?" Taehyung asked taking her in his arms and holding Jungkook's hands to get them out of the office.

"Dada and Uncle Hobi." Aera answered thinking that was the answer her Uncle was looking for making Jungkook laugh. "Hyung's are looking for you and you are busy with meeting." Jungkook expressed his displeasure. "They will understand. "

"Look our man of the day is here." Jin started to clap his hands making Taehyung roll his eyes why is his hyung so dramatic? " Hyung I'm gonna tell Keunemomma, these days you are getting out of hands." Taehyung teased. "Whatever Appa is on my team." Jin turned his head side ways. "Until I tell him your are always looking for reason to fight with me." Taehyung raised his eyebrow in challenging way.

"Knowing them for 23 years, still both of them are same 12 and 7 years old kids." Namjoon spoke gaining everyone's attention. "You are just jealous that you don't have sibling like my Taehyungie, he is the best." Jin said hugging his brother.  "Jungkookie, let's us go to the kitchen it's time for water to boil." Jungkook followed elder. Aera who was in floor started to laugh seeing her Dada's and Uncles faces. 

"Jimine." Aera said seeing Jimin and Yoongi come behind Taehyung who opened the door for the couple. "Uncle Jimin, you brat." "Let me break it. When is the marriage?" Hoseok spoke. "Taehyungie did you invite us on lunch just to know about our weeding date?" Jimin smirked. "No, It's for my Kook." Taehyung sassied. "It's on 2nd July Hoba." Yoongi spoke casually. 

Jin and Jungkook too came in Living room. Jimin stood up and went for hug with both of them. "Hyung Jimine and Yoongi hyung are getting married on July 2nd." Taehyung announced. "Why are you excited? You have your husband here." Jin showed Jungkook's face.

Sobin and Yeonjun also arrived and the reaction they give to The Big Three will be one of the unforgettable fan greet for them. After enjoying their Lunch all of them are gathered on Living room Jungkook, Taehyung, Yeonjun and Sobin are seated on floor as they were the younger than others., watching some kind of movie.

After enjoying the movie, all of them are now in the garden to get things ready for barbeque except for Namjoon, Taehyung, Sobin and Yeonjun as they are bad cooks. Taehyung argued saying he can cook now but everyone ignored him handling little devil. The four of them were back to watch movie. 

Taehyung brought various types of wine and beer so that everyone could enjoy what they prefer. "Jimin Hyung, you don't need to go to the company until mid of November as I would only be going to the company to discuss the stage design and practice for the concert that will start from mid of December so enjoy the time with Yoongi hyung." Jungkook statement gained round of applause. "I'll inform you about a week before I need you in any circumstance."

"Sobin and Yeonjun, both of you are invited to my and Yoonies Weeding." Jimin started to drunk talk. "Mochi, stop you are drunk. Don't talk another can." Yoongi scolded his fiance. "Tae, Yoonie again started to be mean with me. What do I do?" He complaint putting his head on his best friend's shoulder. "If he is mean again, don't go after him. I will find you better man." Taehyung spoke who wasn't drunk as he knew what would come out of his best friend's mouth. "No, I want only him." Jimin spoke standing up from his seat. "Love, When was I mean?" Yoongi pulled Jimin back to his seat.

"Kook, why are you not eating?" Taehyung questioned seeing his husband all silent. "I'm happy." Was the reply he got.

Taehyung called driver for everyone as all of them were drunk except Namjoon as he was in-charge of Aera, Yoongi and Taehyung also were sober, no one has seen both of them drunk even once. All of them left Kim mansion around 6pm.

Jungkook hasn't been drunk for a very long period so today he let it all go and was gulping down beer in his system. He was drunk to the point not being able to stand up properly. After bidding everyone bye Taehyung came back to take younger inside. "Kook, get up. Let's go inside." Taehyung shook Younger's shoulders to which he received a whine.

He again shook Jungkook finally making Younger raise his head up facing him. "Everyone left?" Jungkook questioned looking around. "Hmm. We should also go inside." Taehyung whispered. "Come on get up." Taehyung encouraged Jungkook placing his hands on Younger's shoulders. 

"Carry me." The Idol demanded taking Taehyung off guard as Jungkook is always modest and never makes such demand might be they aren't that close enough. Jungkook always seems silent doesn't express himself that much. Is it just with him or is younger always like this makes Taehyung think. That much of bottling up emotions might be effecting younger adversely. 

Taehyung wants to know the real Jungkook which Younger might have not himself explored too. 

"What are you thinking? Carry me." Jungkook pouted. "As you wish." Taehyung carried Younger in his arms and walked to their house. He directly went to their room so younger could take a nap so the effect of drinks would decrease. 

"Why are you placing me down? I like it with you. I feel safe in your arms" Jungkook slurred. "You need to sleep. You are way too much drunk." Taehyung placed Jungkook on bed but Younger wasn't leaving his neck instead he started to lean his face between elders neck and shoulder. "Kook, let's take a nap, yeah?" Taehyung again tried. "You too." Taehyung nodded to younger's offer.

Now both of them are lying down Jungkook has his head in Taehyung's chest while their legs are entangled together. "I feel like it's all dream, you might suddenly disappear and I can never reach you." Jungkook pauses for a while "Don't ever leave me alone okay." Jungkook demanded. "I won't, you are the only one for me." Taehyung said patting younger's head. Jungkook forwarded his pinky to Taehyung for pinky swear Taehyung joined their fingers. 

"Do you want to know something?" Taehyung hummed. "I have never been to amusement park." Taehyung asked why? "When I was 8 years old, Appa and Eomma were taking me to amusement park for the first time they had taken half day off too. But that never happen, from that day onwards they started to be less at home and more at their work place, it was as if  they forget about me and I didn't existed. If I ever get a chance to go back to that day I would deny to go the Amusement park so that Appa and Eomma would always stay with me." Tears were trickling down Jungkook's eyes.

"I want us to be like Ma and Pa. They seem happy together anyone from afar can tell they care about each other" Jungkook spoke he was a little sober now. "What about you?" Jungkook questioned with his chain on Taehyung's chest looking at Elder's eyes. "Me too." Taehyung said after a while. "You are lying." Jungkook accused elder.

"No, I'm not." Taehyung said. "Tell me the truth. Are you thinking that our relationship will not work out?" Jungkook expressed he was afraid elder would answer positively.

"No, I just want us to be like Appa and Eomma. They didn't have to face what it is to live without each other. I also don't want us to be apart. I don't think I can leave you all alone, you won't survive that much of pain. I can't survive without you too, our house is filed with silence whenever you aren't here. When you were gone for your promotion, other times also you don't be that much at home still I knew you would return but during that period you won't be returning so I wasn't able to stay here and started to learn cooking to rest my mind." Taehyung explained by the time he was done Younger was asleep. Might be the effect of emotion that younger let out today.  

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