Chapter 31

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"Tannie Appa is going to the store, don't run too much, I'll take you on walk in evening." Taehyung petted Yeontan. "Kook" Taehyung said as Younger was taking too much time.

"Say bye to Tannie, I already did." Taehyung said as they were ready to leave. "See you soon, Tannie." Jungkook did as told.

"Why are bodyguards coming with us?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung settled down in the driver's seat.

Taehyung had arranged four bodyguards for them, so it wouldn't be too overwhelming, they are dressed casual too.

"I didn't want us to go out without them, it might be dangerous for my significant other." Taehyung winked taking a right turn. Jungkook turned his head and started to stare the scenery to hide the rising blush on his cheeks.

"Tae, let's go to meat section first." Jungkook said holding elder's hand in his as Taehyung was standing still in the entrance, confused where to go. Taehyung has never done grocery shopping, it was never needed. Before marriage he had never cooked at house and after marriage Jungkook is the one doing it.

"Why are you filling the cart with all the types of meat?" Jungkook questioned as he saw Elder filling the cart with varieties of meat. "Aren't we taking meat?" Confused Taehyung voiced out. "We are, we cannot keep meat for long period so vegetable and meat should be bought in smaller quantity." Jungkook explained.

"Okay. I now understand." Taehyung said taking out the meat packets from the cart.

"Tae, let's take sausage too. I'll make some delicious sausage for dinner." Jungkook pointed to the Sausage section. Taehyung turned the cart to left, heading to the section told by Younger, as they finished their meat shopping.

"Hey, Partner." Taehyung spoke as he didn't want to cause Younger any trouble. "Partner" He again said going near Jungkook who was busy picking vegetables and fruits. "Partner?" Jungkook questioned as Taehyung doesn't calls him Partner other than the time they are playing games.

"Aren't we partners? " Taehyung said pointing his finger between them. Jungkook nodded. "Let's have Ice-cream on our way back, Partner." "Let's go to the billing counter." Jungkook said as they were done with shopping.

"Partner, bring the car in front while I return the Cart." Taehyung said to Jungkook who was sitting in the passenger seat while he put the groceries in the car. Shifting  behind the steering wheel, Jungkook started the car.

"Which flavor do you want, Partner?" Taehyung asked as Younger parked the car in the ice cream parlor. "Double scoop mint chocolate chip." Jungkook answered made Taehyung to scrunch his nose. "What a weird taste?" He mumbled. "I heard that."

"Here." Taehyung passed the cone to Younger as he entered back in the car. "You like Caramel." Jungkook said taking a bite of his mint chocolate chip. "I like other flavors too, mint chocolate is the one I can't ever bring myself to taste once again in this lifetime." Taehyung spoke. "I can understand as you have childlike taste buds."

Although Jungkook doesn't express much but once it comes down to his beloved person or things he will go to any length to make the other person lose the battle.

"Tannie were you bored?" Taehyung asked as soon as he went inside with all the grocery bags on his hands as he didn't wanted his Partner to carry any. Seeing Taehyung Tan started to run around him following him to kitchen where Jungkook was making Tea and Coffee for them.

"Tae,Wash your hands and look after the Tea and coffee. I will sort these bags." Jungkook said seeing elder in the kitchen.

There wasn't much to sort out as they hadn't bought that much.

"I'll prepare dinner you can do your office work til then." Jungkook said as they were done with their drinks. "Keep Appa Kook in your company." Taehyung said kneeling down to where Tan was sitting, beside the couch. Saying that he went to his office room.

"Hello, Hyunsik hyung."  Taehyung said as soon as the call was received.
"How long will this take?"
"I want you to be done with the mission around the end of August."
"It's just that I don't want to keep Jungkook in dark."
"Thank you, see you soon." Taehyung said hanging up the call.

"Tae, dinner is ready." Jungkook said poking his head through the door as elder was still in the office room. "Five minutes more, I'll complete this file." Taehyung said looking at Younger. Who nodded seeing himself out while Yeontan followed him as Jungkook had just made him eat his meal.

"I thought you won't come with me." Jungkook stated as Tan sat beside his leg in the couch. He then carried the pup in his arms. "See I'm not the one taking your Appa's time, he is always busy with the work." Jungkook started to complain to Tan who was just listening, sitting on Jungkook's arms.

"What are you two doing?" Taehyung said entering the living room. "Just chatting." Jungkook said placing Tan in the sofa walking to kitchen to serve the dinner.

"It's seem like both of you are charmed by each other now, I knew you guys only needed some alone time, together." Taehyung petted Yeontan.

"Kook, Are you busy tomorrow?" Taehyung spoke chewing down the piece of chicken. "I'm not busy these days." Jungkook said staring at elder. "Then let's go on date, it's been a while since we have gone on date. I'll be the one arranging the date this time. So are you in?" Taehyung nervously asked.

"Why would I not want to go on a date with you?" Jungkook questioned back instead of answering. "So are we going out or it'll be at home?" Jungkook inquired. "It is in the middle of the two." Taehyung answered making Younger confused. "Eh?"

"I mean we won't go out but it will not be in the home too." Taehyung states as if his answer would make any sense to anyone.

Thinking he will eventually know, Jungkook changed the topic. "What about Tan?" "We will be coming home to change so we can feed him, he has his own play room. I even cleaned it earlier today he will be sleeping in his house from tonight."

"I'll clean the dish and show you Tannie's room." Taehyung said.

"Oh, it's so beautiful but why is everything blue and yellow?" Jungkook questioned as he didn't understand the reason for each and everything in the room to be either blue or yellow. "Dogs can only see those two colors so I made the room colorful for Tannie."

"You even installed camera?" "It's just that I didn't want to risk anything, I'll be aware if he is in trouble." "You are such a kind hearted person."

Taehyung thinks, 'I don't know how long will you have that opinion about me? How will you react once you discover the truth?'

What do you think about the chapter?
Do you guys like mint chocolate? (I'm with Kim line on this, I had it once it was horrible.)
Have a nice time till we meet again.

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