Chapter 30

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It's Saturday and the couple are getting ready to leave the home to visit Taehyung's Keun Appa and Keun Eomma for the dinner as decided previously.

"Today also you are dressed as Taehyung." Kim A-Yeong said as she opened the door. "Doesn't he looks pretty on my clothes, I love it." Taehyung spoke holding Younger's waist as they enter inside. "He is looking pretty cute, I wasn't complaining. I get to have two Taehyungie at once." She said making the couple smile.

"Take a sit. Would would you like to have tea or coffee?" She asked Jungkook as all of them sat in the couch while their Ma and Pa along with Keun Appa were already in the couch, she doesn't know Jungkook's preference. "I'm fine with anything, I don't find coffee bitter." Jungkook joked making everyone laugh except for his husband. "That's not fair." Taehyung whined.

Taehyung never shows this side of his to others, his Pa had taught him never to show any of weakness and strength to others as it'll effect him only, in the end. Having way too much strength makes one look fearful, he will have no one while being weak he will have a lot of people around him who always want to make him weak, want him to remain dependent on them. So he had  to find a midpoint between strength and weakness, he would have people around him but they wouldn't dare to cause him harm, they know how capable he his. When he started to work as acting CEO at the age of 19 he didn't let anyone bully him, he had always lived his life as he was taught by his Grandparents. He believes their teaching is what has brought him so far. Seeing him like this is nothing new to their family but seeing him as a business man is always new to the family, they can never imagine how can their little bear be so cold yet so welcoming with his business partners and employees.

"Don't you want to meet your son? He is in your old room." Mr. Kim said reminding Taehyung of his Tannie. "I'll bring Tan." Taehyung said getting up, placing a kiss on younger's hair.

"What took you so long?" Jungkook questioned seeing Taehyung walk down the stairs with Yeontan in his hands. "He was throwing tantrums, he wasn't even looking at me with lots of coaxing and bribe of new toys that we had brought he his back in my arms." Taehyung shortly explained why he took almost half an hour to be back. "Be glad he is in mood to forgive you." Taehyung's Ma spoke.

"Let's have dinner now." Mrs. Kim said. "You know Tannie will not leave me alone right." Taehyung stated. It is one of the habit of Yeontan whenever Taehyung leaves him with Mr. and Mrs. Kim while he is out of the city for more than a day, they act like long distance couple who are seeing each other for the first time in a while and don't want to be separated at all.

"I'll introduce both of you when we are back home." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook who just nodded smiling to Elder.

Each couple were sitting next to each other, Tan was clinging to Taehyung's right leg as he was kept on the floor. Taehyung passed the beef pieces to Tan every now and then. "Do you know how surprised was I when Tae said he was getting married, I got invitation just  two days before the wedding date. I was so sad we couldn't attend it." Mrs. Kim expressed the reason behind her absence in the couple's wedding. "It was just a court marriage, we'll gave a wedding ceremony after we make the announcement to public about our relationship." Taehyung rolled his eyes at his Keun Eomma's tactics. "You will be informed a month before the ceremony takes place, so you can fulfill all the dreams you had for our wedding." Taking a piece of chicken Taehyung shared about the matter. "Whatever."

"Ma your Blood pressure is high so the doctor has suggested you to take daily walks. And Pa your cholesterol is high the doctor has suggested a healthy diet plan, you will be following that I have already sent everyone the plan, who prepares your food. Stay healthy, I'll soon come to visit you guys." Taehyung said bidding byes to his Ma and Pa while carrying Tan. His grandparents were just nodding their head, they know they meant world to him.

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