Chapter 5

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Jungkook was cutting kimchi for kimchi stew in the kitchen.

"Do you want a cup of coffee?" Taehyung spoke getting closer to Jungkook starling him. " Okay, but can you please make a noise while walking. You always startled me." Younger complained. Elder nodded and started to make coffee for younger and lemon tea for himself.

"What are you making?" Taehyung eyed the Kimchi. "Kimchi stew." Younger completed the cutting kimchi and turned to face elder. "You don't like coffee." Jungkook stated. "Why do you think so?" Taehyung poured the coffee and tea for them. "Last night also you didn't drink the coffee and now too." Younger replied rice cooker also made a sound indicating the rice is cooked.

"Do you need help? I can cut veggies." Taehyung said taking a sip from his cup. Jungkook denied.
"Then, I'll be in my office." Taehyung left the kitchen taking his tea. Younger also got busy preparing for dinner.

"I might be late as I'm going after a month of break. So don't wait up for me and order something for you." Jungkook stated. Taehyung just nodded and focused in his food. Not getting any reply Younger questioned, "What happened?" "Nothing. At what time will you leave?" Taehyung diverted the topic. "Around 9am." Raven head replied.

"So will we have our session today or not?" Elder questioned. "Of course we will. I love exercising." Younger said. "Are you done?" Younger said seeing empty rice bowl. Taehyung nodded. "You can go then." Jungkook said. "Pa always says, 'As a family we must wait until others finish their meals.' and we are family." Taehyung stated.

Jungkook finished his food, Taehyung started to collect dishes and clean them. "I'll clean the dishes, you might have your office work pending because of leave today." Jungkook spoke. "Office work will always be pending. You cook for us cleaning is the least I can do." Taehyung said shutting up raven head. "Then come to gym room after cleaning. I will be there." Younger left the kitchen.

Taehyung entered the gym, Jungkook was doing push ups. "Took you long enough." Younger stated. "I cleaned living area too." Taehyung said and started to do push ups beside Jungkook.

Both completed the sets for the day. "What do you wanna ask?" Taehyung spoke puffing while laying his back on the ground as did the younger. "Hmm what types of food do you dislike?" Jungkook got up and sat crossing his leg together on the ground. Taehyung too sat in the ground, "Don't people ask about favorite?"

"While cooking I need to know what you dislike not what you like." Jungkook stated. "Okay- okay, beans, tomatoes, coffee, avocado,.. that will it be." Elder said. "What about you?" Taehyung said. "I eat almost everything." Jungkook said. "What about your favorite then?" Taehyung said. "Noodles, meat specially chicken. That would be." Jungkook stated.

"Color?" Younger enquiries. "The land and the sky." Elder said turning to younger. "Huh?" Younger was confused. "Green and Blue." Elder clarified. "Oh, mines is Black." Jungkook said. "Your dressing indicates that the most." Elder stated. And Jungkook he just blushed getting embarrassed.

Seeing that Taehyung decided to depart from younger. "Good Night, Jungkook." Elder wished getting up and walking towards the door. "You will be working, won't you? still good night, hyung." Younger also got up. Taehyung turned back, "Yes. You can call me by my name Jungkook." Taehyung said and again turned back opening the door. "Don't you like it when I call you Hyung?" Jungkook asked looking down on the floor. "It's not that kook, I want us to be comfortable. Addressing me differently then how you address others will give you sense of security. Knowing you have someone for you." Elder stated.

"Good Night, Taehyung." Jungkook said to which he got a 'Good night, Jungkook.' Taehyung went to his office room to reply some emails as other works had been completed before dinner. Jungkook just took a shower and went to sleep.

Taehyung got ready for work and left for his company after having a glass of strawberry juice that he freshly extracted. Jungkook woke up and after freshening up went to the kitchen for a coffee. He saw a small thermos bottle with a note attached to it. 'Noticed you liked my coffee, your number one barista.' Taehyung had attached the note after making coffee for Jungkook. Jungkook just pour the coffee in a cup and his morning was going best.

Jimin had himself came to pick Jungkook for the day. "Good morning, Kookie." Elder wished. "Good morning, Hyung." Jungkook replied getting in the car.

"Jungkook, for today you have a met up with your producer and choreographer for upcoming album." Jimin stated closing the tab. Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung went to his Jin hyung after completing his office hour. "I thought I won't be seeing you here." Jin stated seeing Taehyung enter his restaurant's kitchen. "Jungkook said he will be late."

"So how does being married feels like?" Jin questioned taking seat next to Taehyung. "Good I have someone to be with." Taehyung replied sipping strawberry milkshake which Jin had put in front of him before sitting.

"When will you introduce Jungkook to us?" Jin asked. "Didn't he came with Jimin." Jin nodded. "I'm saying about formal introduction. We are family but he isn't aware about that." Jin sighed explaining younger. "Okay I'll arrange for a meet up when everyone's schedule is free." Taehyung said.

"Hyung I'm hungry." Taehyung said. "Okay, I'll cook for you something." Jin said going back to kitchen.

It was around 12 when younger came back. Taehyung was just doing his work in the sofa of living room instead of his office room. "Welcome back." Taehyung spoke. "Why are you working here?" Younger questioned sitting beside elder. "Waiting for you. Go and freshen up I have brought food for you." Taehyung stated getting up to reheat the food.

Jungkook was speechless so he just went to his room to freshen up.

"Look here I have bought some rice and pork for you." Taehyung spoke as he saw Jungkook coming to the kitchen. "And why are you having Coca-Cola in the midnight?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows taking sit opposite Taehyung. "I'm just giving you a company." Elder shrugged. "You are just addicted to cold drinks." Younger stated enjoying his food.

"Where did you bought the food from? It's so delicious." Jungkook asked. "Hyung's restaurant." Taehyung said. "Which hyung? Have I met him?" Younger looked for elder. "No, he wasn't present in our marriage. I have to arrange a met up to introduce you to the hyungs. When is your schedule free?"

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