Chapter 2: Sora Encounters Civilisation (2)

Start from the beginning

"Well, you aren't wrong! But going into details would be boring, so let's just get into town already!"

Rin interjects with a cheerful grin.

Surprised by my own insight, I can't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction.

As we approach, the gates loom larger and more grandiose than I had anticipated. Intricate symbols adorn them, depicting flaming torches, shields, swords, and a serpent ouroboros. Each detail is finely crafted, adding to the imposing presence of the entranceway.

The gate, crafted from wood, features a unique design. In the middle, a gap splits the gate into twin halves, each mirroring half of an eternal loop. These halves extend outward, creating the impression of a tree with branches stretching and multiplying. Etched into the gate, each branch is adorned with shimmering golden leaves, radiating a celestial aura.

The branches stretch infinitely, each new growth adding to the gate's intricate charm with a touch of magnificence.

"So... Are we supposed to do something to enter...?"

"Nope! Just give that gate a little nudge, and voila! Welcome to the land of wonders!"

I pause momentarily, processing the information Rin just gave me. I find it hard to believe there's no security in a village that looks like this, in a world where killer skeletons can hunt you down.

"... Really? No sense of security?"

"The spheroid barrier we just passed is the security. It allowed us to pass through because it relies on intense bloodlust and malice, among other negative things."

Ah, that makes sense; I completely forgot about that spheroid.

Valnar pushes on the gate, and it easily swings open with a creak, revealing what could only be described as a utopia in my eyes.

"I'm aware Rin has already said, but welcome to Ardent Hollow. This is where you'll be staying."

As I step through the imposing gate, I'm immediately enveloped in a bluster of sights and sounds that electrify the air around me. Ardent Hollow bursts to life before my eyes.


I can't help but exhale in wonder, my eyes wide as I take in the bustling scene unfolding before me. It's a veritable discrepancy to the hushed seclusion of the forest, and I find myself simultaneously exhilarated and overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of it all.

"Quite the lively place, isn't it?"

Rin remarks, a smile playing at the corners of her lips as she gestures towards a group of children playing tag nearby. Their laughter rings out like silver bells, mingling with the hum of conversation.

I follow Rin's gaze, my eyes drawn to the children darting through the crowd with lithe grace, their pointed ears and delicate wings marking them as elves. The sight fills me with curiosity.

"How come the children have pointy ears? Are they elves?"

"Why, of course!" She chuckles softly.

"But elves usually don't have wings... Right?"

"They're probably hybrids."

"Eh? Hybrids?"

"Indeed, hybrids are a rare breed and are usually associated with good luck. But in Ardent Hollow, it's not uncommon to see hybrids—individuals with traits from different races. It's one of the many things that makes this town so unique and fortunate."

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