S1, Ep 2: Dragon eye of the beholder, Part 2

Start from the beginning

Gang: Ahhhh!

(The cage's door opens and they fall out of it, clinging onto Y/n)

Tuff: That was great. Ahhh! No! Aah!

(Tuff is fighting off eels before Barf and Belch emerge and fire at the eels)

Tuff: Oh, so now you decide to show up.

(The riders get on their dragons)

Fishlegs: That was way too close.

Astrid: Y/n, what are we doing?

Y/n: You guys go back to berk. I'm going after dagur. Whatever that cylinder-looking thing is, i know one thing for sure... it shouldn't be i his hands.

(Y/n flies after Dagur)

Dagur's Ship

(Dagur is staring at the cylindrical object)

Dagur: Amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this.

Savage: Me, neither. What do you suppose it is?

Dagur: Don't ask ridiculous questions, Savage! Just know this... it's mine now, all mine! Now, what exactly is it that you do? Tell Dagur, now. That's it. Don't be afraid. Tell Daddy Dagur.

(Savage spots Y/n and Fafnir flying towards them)

Savage: Uh, dagur?

(He points at Y/n)

Dagur: Uhh! What now?! Another stupid question?!

Savage: More of an observation.

(Y/n flies over them and grab the object from Dagur and flies off)

Y/n: Thank you kindly.

(Dagur gasps and gets really mad)

Dagur: Aaaaaaaaahh!

(He throws a crew member firing at Fafnir overboard while the other immediately jumped into the water)

Dagur: See what you did? You distracted me. And now my pretty, cylindrical, mysterious object is gone. Good for you, Y/n! Good for you! But I got all the gold! You hear me? All the gold! All! The! Gold!

(He pushes savage to the ground while laughing)

Dagur: You know, you can never have nice things around that guy.

Savage: Uhh!


(Gobber is trying to open the object while Y/n and the others are watching him)

Y/n: Have you ever seen anything like this dragon eye before?

Tuff: Dragon eye? How do you know it's called a dragon eye?

Y/n: Because I named it.

Snotlout: Whoa, whoa. Aren't we supposed to vote on stuff like that?

Y/n: Fine. All in favour, say "Dragon Eye".

(Everyone but Snotlout raise their hands up)

All but Snotlout: Dragon Eye!

Snotlout: Just wanted to make sure we voted.

Hicca: Can you open it, Gobber?

(Gobber is still trying to open it without any success)

Gobber: "Can I open it?" I once opened a 500-year-old giant clam at the bottom of the ocean with my bare hook. Can I open it? Ha! I think it's going to be... Huh. Aha.

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