He chuckled angrily, running his hands through his hair.

" You are really ungrateful you know."

" I'm not Rafael. I'm being real here-"

"Real? You are acting up as this was all my fault in the first place. Fuck! I don't know what you even want. Just go home Camila." he said, his eyes dropping to his feet.


"Get your shit together. I can't talk to you when you are behaving like a freak ass. Catch a ride or something. I don't care." he replied and walked away.

"That's it? You are leaving me here?" I shouted as he continued walking.

He ignored me completely and got in the auditorium slamming the door behind him.

"Shit!" Now how do I get home?


Getting a bus at this time was hectic. I stood beside the road waiting for my luck but none came by. Tears stung my eyes, threatening to fall. I didn't expect this night end like this. I ruined it. I did it. What the hell is wrong with me.

" Camila?" someone called behind me.

I wiped the tears falling from my face and turned around meeting Regina face to face. Could the night get any worse?

"Are you okay?" she asked, concern written on her face.

" I'm fine. Fancy seeing you here. I gotta go." I replied curtly and started walking away.

" Spare the curtiness for another time. Let me offer you a ride at least. You look like you need one."

I stopped on my tracks and just stared at her. I said nothing but nodded my head firmly and followed her to her car.

She drives a beautiful blue sport convertible. The tolerable smell of leather hits me as soon as I got in the car. Seems like everyone's getting a new car this summer.

" Which street?" she asked, reviving the engine.


"Really? I live in Vanas. We're practically neighbours."

" Street neighbours." I laughed.

" Yeah. Street neighbours." she smiled for the first time and it was beautiful and genuine. Maybe she isn't bad after all.

Sick of myself by Nessa Barrett started playing on the radio.

I leaned against the window and watched the city as we passed by. I always loved city nights. They were the most magical and mesmerizing moments in my life. I loved watching the streets come to life. The different lighting in every single building. The stars and moon filling up the whole sky as we head down Archives street which was at the edge of the city.

"This song matches my mood." I said, listening to the lyrics.

" Trust me, I can tell." Regina replied as she continued driving.

" Do you ever just want to disappear, like be someone else? Like see another person when you look at the mirror?"

" I think everyone does. It just depends on how you take it all in. Some people bury it with alcohol and getting high but the thing that they forget is that it will still come back to haunt them plus the hangover that comes with it too."

" How do you deal with it?"

" I force another feeling in. Drown myself in someone's else emotions. Like this..." she reached over and changed the song to I hope you are miserable until your dead still by Nessa and put it on full blast. She started singing her heart out, screaming at the top of her lungs, moving her shoulders from side to side.

It was humorous and incredible at the same time.

" Come on. Sing with me."

To say I was feeling like shit would be an understatement. Drowning your feelings in someone else's emotions was relaxing.

La di die by Jxdn and Nessa Barrett was playing as Regina pulled up at the side of the road. I think Nessa just became my favourite artist. Her music was intriguing. It was easy to just drown yourself in the song's emotions and forget yours.

" I wish I met you earlier." I said as she paused the song.

Silence engulfed the car as we just looked at each other and then burst into fits of laughter.

"That was fun." she chuckled.

" I think I visited heaven and came back." I laughed.

" You surely did. That's how you take care of your feelings darling."

Regina was friendly and sweet. She was incredible, funny. All the things I'm not.

" I'm sorry about earlier."

" Don't think about it. We are good. I think we are more than good. We are becoming becoming besties now." she chuckled.

" I think so too. Thanks for the ride Regina." I said opening the door.

" Wait, take this with you."

She handed me a card. The Hilton's hotel. It had a number and the manager's name above it. Carlos Morgan.

" What this?" I threw her a confused look.

" I already called in for you and told them about the incredible services you can offer them in their hotel. All they need is your approval and you are employed. "

" How did you know I needed this?"

" Luca told me about the little incident at Miami's restaurant and how he's super guilty of getting you kicked out....." she coughed awkwardly, " I mean fired. And I was like I can do something about it and Tara AAA. The job is yours." she smiled.

I was overwhelmed. Different feelings
swam in my body. I felt happy, confused. Damn. I felt like crying. But most of all, I felt like hugging the shit out of her.

I got back in the car and we met each other in the middle.

" Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you." I cried.

" Did I tell you about the huge paycheck. Because damn, those people know how to spoil their employees."

My night just took a beautiful turn.


Early the next morning, I switched on my phone. Mia's text messages dinged continuously.

Mia: Hey you.

Fill me up on what happened yesterday


Rafael just called and told me not to
pick you up

Are you guys going on another date

You there?

Come on dude!!!!!!!! Answer me

What would I do without this bitch. Will I even survive without her?

I was about to answer her when another another message popped up the screen. Rafael.

Rafael: Morning sweetheart. I'm sorry for being a dick yesterday and treating you like shit. I'm coming by to pick you up. Get ready. I love yah.

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