(Vol. 5) Chapter 42: Rescue Mission

Start from the beginning

Sienna: You attacked innocent people! I even got reported there was a casualty within the invasion. And that casualty was a mere child!

Adam: As much as i would agree for that sadden news, i have to say it was necessary to show humans we fear no humans...

(His cold statement just made everyone, excluding Hazel, stare at the bull faunus in pure shock and disbelief...

Sienna couldn't believe what she was hearing, but that statement alone was enough to made her stand up from her seat and glares down at Adam with pure fury and disgrace.)

Sienna: How could you admit such horrible act towards your leader, Taurus?! Do you have no heart for innocent lives?!

Adam: Sister Sienna, take a look around! Working alongside with this queen of his [motions at Hazel] had shown us how much of an impact we've made to the public!

Sienna: *narrows her eyebrows in anger* That doesn't excuse the fact that our brothers and sisters, our own race, had taken a life from an innocent little child!

Adam: It was for the greater good to us all! If we wanted to show them to fear us, this is the only way to do it!

Sienna: I demanded humans to show us respect! Not giving a reason to cause a war between two races that should've coexist from the very beginning!

(Hazel calmly and steadily stands up from his kneeling position, adjusting his jacket before deciding to interrupt the argument.)

Hazel: Adam...Leader Sienna, let's not get fed up by this understandable situation, but Salem will make sure no more violence on this operation...no more blood needs to be shed today.

Sienna: How disgusting. I've heard enough! Guards! Escort these men out!

Adam: *slightly shocked, but quickly gets angry* You dare to banish your own kind?!

Sienna: You're not one of our kind. All i see is a cold-hearted monster who's hungry for power and revenge on humans.

Adam: ... *smirks evilly* ...You know what? I guess i can make a little confess before i leave.

Sienna: ...Let's hear it.

Adam: When you were absent, i managed to have my own group of faunus who sees the true meaning of our course. Together, we named ourselves as "Red Flag Clan.", the TRUE faunus group that seeks vengeance!

(Sienna was shocked and horrified by the fact of her supposed to be loyal second in command decided to make his own group and made it as a group of terrorist sort of...

Before she could spat on him, Adam was seen running towards her with Wilt and Blush, extracting his katana from its sheathe to expose the blade.

Right when he thought he had the perfect kill on his hands...)

???: NOW, NEO!!!

(Adam's eyes went wide beneath his eyes mask seeing Sienna shattering hundreds of pieces, realizing she got saved at the last second...

He then quickly turned around and noticed a small group of guards standing infront of Sienna and now seen Neo, Torchwick's henchman...

Soon after, the five guards took their disguises off and revealed themselves to Adam and Hazel, the former was shocked while the latter was still unfazed.)

Adam: *glares at Nexus* You five...

Nexus: *draws his claws* You sonuvabitch! I knew you had no dignity!

Kobra: Ya bloody bastard, Adam...should've known yer goin' to make yer own group...

Twins: Sienna, are you ok?!

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