(Vol. 2) Chapter 13: Fighting Against A Stolen Mecha

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the previous chapter, Professor Port found a new way to demonstrate his students on how he would defeat any kind of Grimms...

Y/N was the candidate for that occasion, which he didn't mind it at all and he was actually agreeing at his idea about using his semblance to copy Grimm's trails...

After his class, Team RWBY, JNPR and Y/N went to Professor Goodwitch's class to make a mocking match between Yang and Y/N...

Alongside their fights, they also brought their bets on the match so everyone can see which one of them would win...

Once the match started, Y/N immediately went after Yang by catching her by surprise...

Not only he went head-to-head against her, but he also studied different fighting styles to defeat Yang, even using her own fighting style against the sun dragon...

The students were cheering up for how exciting the match was as Professor Goodwitch called Y/N as the winner of the mocking match...

As time passes by, Y/N's night is going to be real adventurous...)

-RWBY's Dorm Room-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(After a long day at Beacon Academy, Team RWBY and Y/N took some good rest for tonight's event...

Their event was about an investigation about Roman Torchwick and The White Fang alliance...

As the screen slowly fades turning on, we see Team RWBY wearing different clothes than their usual outfits...)

Blake: *rubs her wrist* "I thought the class would never end

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Blake: *rubs her wrist* "I thought the class would never end..."

Ruby: "Alright girls! May our little investigation begins!"

(She then jumps down from her bed, making Weiss curl onto the bed)

Weiss: "I'll be more glad if you take this seriously"

Yang: "Hey, we got a plan! That's...moderately serious, right?"

Ruby: "So, everyone know their roles?"

Weiss: "You and i are heading to the CCTV Tower to check Schnee Records on recent reports, since i'm in the family, it shouldn't been a problem"

Blake: "The White Fang are having a meeting at the factory as they recruit new members, if i manage to get in, i can see and finally know what their plans are"

Yang: "I have an old friend of mine who lives in the shady parts of Vale that knows almost everything around there, taking information from him shouldn't been too hard"

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