Chapter 5

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Namjoon asked Seokjin to drop him in front of a random apartment complex and waits until the Omega drives away .It was decided that Namjoon would meet the Omega in Evening,with his luggage and other neccesities.

They were going to live together since Namjoon managed to convince Seokjin that it was better if they get used to each other's presence and habits .

Fortunately,the Omega agreed.It was a good idea and anyways they would be leaving a day after.

The Alpha quickly hits the store and buys a new phone ,toiletries and some smart casuals as well as a variety of formal clothes.Seokjin told him that they will buy a matching suit to make their act more believable,so Namjoon didn't need to worry about it right now .

Once he was done with his shopping ,he returns to the apartment complex where Seokjin dropped him .

It was starting to get darker and he sighs ,hailing for a cab .He rides the elevator back to Seokjin's apartment and was surprised to see the Omega lounging in the lobby .

He was taking out the trash ,he belatedly realised .

Seokjin was wearing a very short sweatpants ,the outline barely visible under the tshirt

He greets breathily ,chuckling at the Omega's startled expression

Seokjin peeks back into his apartment, eyeing the clock "Oh no,Sorry I forgot to call you"

He watches Namjoon approach him and fidgets on his heels ,tossing the garbage bag aside "They pick the trash at evening"

Namjoon hums ,eyes roaming over the Omega and smirks ,waving his phone "How could you ? We didn't exchanged numbers"

Seokjin's eyes go wide "Oh fuck"

"Happy realisation"
Namjoon smiles , silently motioning to the door

"Oh yes.Please.Sorry"
The Omega tumbles into the living room
and moves out of the way , letting the Alpha in

"You can place your bags there"
He awkwardly points in the direction of guest room "Uh,I will also set up the bed for you and then we can decide what to get for dinner"

"Sounds good"
Namjoon smiles ,noting the Omega's struggle.It was cute ,how Seokjin was feeling embarassed and shy

He looks effin adorable and sexy though,in Namjoon's opinion.But the Alpha decides to keep it to himself

"I will just call my friend and let him know that I will be away for a week"
Namjoon informs ,waving his phone

"Oh,okay .Then I will come and set the bed later on"
Seokjin rubs his neck sheepishly "To uh, give you privacy"

He sprints to his room as soon as he opens the room to guest room ,making the Alpha chuckle "Cute"

Namjoon shakes his head and drags his luggage into the room before locking it.

Once he was sure Seokjin was indeed in his own room ,he sighs in relief and plops on the fluffy bed .

He pulls out his new phone and calls Hoseok

His Boss picks it up in just one ring ,making him realise that Hoseok must be worried shit since he didn't called him last night as decided.

Well ,he can surely survive few curses .

'Who is this?'

Namjoon sighs,taking a deep breath.This is Hoseok's way to make sure he doesn't accidentally expose him .

"Agent Kim"
The Alpha closes his eyes "Please dont yell"

'You bastard.Where the hell were you last night ? Why didn't you called me ? Do you even know how worried I was? How worried your brother is ? He is freaking since last night and cursing me for sending you to this mission! For god's sake Kim ,fucking call to let us know you are alive !'

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