Chapter 7

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A wave of panic rushes down Seokjin's spine when he finds himself all alone at the terminal.Namjoon was late

Or he wasn't coming .

Seokjin wasn't sure which possibility to consider.He had tried calling the latter but it was of no use .He couldn't reach Namjoon.

He was standing under the huge board that displays the incoming and outgoing flights and their timings .

Their flight was about to depart in few  hours. Which meant , Seokjin should have started the check in process .

But his feets refused to move, clutching the handle of his bag tight in his hands ,he looks around and lets the reality sink in.

He felt various emotions at same time . Fear,anger , disappointment and betrayal .The last was stupid , because who was even Namjoon? Nothing but a stranger.How can he expect anything from him

Still a part of him felt upset over Namjoon's absence.He should have been here , thirty minutes ago.Seokjin's polo shirt starts to stick uncomfortably to his back from all the sweating .He felt dizzy thinking about how he will have to leave in next two minutes if he wants to board the flight in time.

How will he face his family after promising them that he will bring his boyfriend? The baggage of his lie looms like a dark cloud ,ready to thunder over him.

His chest felt heavy and the pressure behind his eyes, uncontrollable.But Seokjin can't cry here,in the middle of the Airport.

He can't even cry in isolation, because that's not him.Six years ago ,when he broke up with Siwon,he barely shed a tear.

This was nothing compare to a relationship of two years.He didn't even knew Namjoon for more than two days,surely he can't cry over a two day attachment

Everything will be fine.He consoles himself,making his mind when the announcement for the final call of check in rings in his ear .His feets seem to move as he reminds himself who he is

Not just an Omega who came to live his dream .He was more than that. He was independent and self loving person.He had learnt to put himself before others.That wasn't going to change now too.

He can face his parents, brew another lie or better,tell them the truth.
They will be disappointed and hurt ,but it was ten times better than another lie

Seokjin wouldn't blame Namjoon for his possible humiliation.If the Alpha was going to back out ,it was only because he realised how absurd the plan was.

And it was ,to show up to your brother's wedding with a fake boyfriend.

With one look at the panel , Seokjin breathes shakily and picks up the  handbag he left on floor .

"Going without me ,babe?"

A deep voice comes from behind him ,the voice that belongs to a certain Alpha , Seokjin was desperately praying to show up .He doesn't turn right away and closes his eyes to get rid of the elated feeling and stupid tears of relief.

He came ,just as promised

Seokjin wasn't alone in this anymore.

Namjoon's voice comes out a little breathy ( he ran) and concerned "Jin?"

The Omega finally turns ,giving a wobbly smile to Namjoon whose brows were furrowed in worry .

Namjoon panics at the red rimmed eyes and steps close ,"Why are you crying-"

Throwing all his worries away , Seokjin clashes with Namjoon, wrapping his arms around the latter , hugging him tightly "You are here"

Seokjin feels the Alpha freezing into a statue ,still and unmoving .His beating heart was the only reassurance that Seokjin hadn't crushed him to death .

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