Chapter 10

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Jimin gave an annoyed look to Namjoon and Seokjin when the couple arrived over thirty minutes late to the pre-wedding activity

"Had a little conflict during morning activities"
Namjoon had not so innocently hinted at morning routine,which Seokjin swears was no different than last night

Still ,Yoongi gives a knowing look to Seokjin that has the Omega blush and duck down

Namjoon clears his throat, saving Seokjin from further embarrassment "Looks like all the guests have arrived now"

Jimin deadpans "Yes.All have arrived late night and still managed to come earlier unlike you two"

He points an accusatory finger at Seokjin "You better not loose the match else.."

Seokjin grins,wrapping his arms around the small frame "Ofcourse I won't.Have I ever lost any game till now? "

"What match?"
Namjoon furrows his brows, now looking around to see that all of Seokjin's cousins were slowly moving to the basket ball net fixed on the sand

"Oh , didn't he told you ? Playing basketball match is one of our main agenda of pre wedding activity"

"Which you are going to loose ,badly"
Yoongi snorts ,patting Namjoon's shoulder "I hope you know how to play, because it's Alpha versus Omega "

Namjoon who was suddenly overwhelmed by the idea of playing basketball with the rumored champion Min Yoongi looks at Seokjin helplessly

"It's better if he doesn't"
Seokjin grabs Jimin's hand and smirks "Because that will only make our victory smooth"

"It's adorable to think you are gonna win this"
Jungkook approaches them with the ball

He quirks a brow "It's Min Yoongi you are up against,hyung"

Seokjin sighs,looking over at Jimin "I really don't want to embarass you but let me apologise in advance"
He stares at the Alpha's in challenge "Your fiance is going to taste dirt and loose today"

A wide smile forms on Jimin's face "I would very much like to see it"

He blows a kiss to Yoongi when the latter looks offended "You are an opponent and not my fiance till the match ends " The Omega links their eyes with his fingers "We will surely win this"

"As if you stand any chance, but dream on"
Jungkook huffs, throwing the ball at Jimin who was caught off-guard but manages to not let it hit his face

"Ya,are you trying to ruin his face before the wedding! What if Yoongi refuses to marry him !"
Seokjin screeches ,teasing clear in his tone as he smooths his hand over Jimin's face "But I think Yoongi loves more than just his face ,right Yoongi?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes but they were full of concern as he says "Are you okay ?"

"Perfectly fine to kick your ass in the game"
Jimin answers snarkily

"Last words?"
Yoongi growls back


Namjoon's eyes widens and he looks at Seokjin who was smirking with a challenging glare as well

"Dont worry,they are always like that"

The Omega claps his hands, shocking Namjoon as he whistles loudly,gaining everyone's attention

"Lets team up ,folks! All Alpha's on one side and all Omega's on the other!"

"And what about the Beta's like us?"

Seokjin turns to find Jaehwan coming along with Siwon

"Well , there's two Omega's less in their team"
Jungkook says slowly,ignoring the glare he receives from Yoonji

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