Aditya I

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"...and the code for this door is 97680. Got it?" Kamaljit asked, looking at Aditya.

Truth be told, Aditya hadn't heard, he was too busy playing with Heinrich, the large, muscular German Shepherd that Kamaljit had introduced him to only twenty minutes ago.

"Father never allowed me a pet, no matter how much I begged. Why'd he get me one now?" Aditya asked

Kamal sighed in frustration.

"That does not matter, focus on this, it's important. The code for this door is—" Aditya cut off his bodyguard.

"I will decide what is important, you work for me. Who named him? I suppose Heinrich is a fair name for a dog, but we are an Indian family, why does he have a German name?" Aditya asked.

Kamaljit clenched his fists and turned fully to the boy.

"He was trained in Germany, they come pre-named. Now, focus on—"

"Ah, forget this nonsense, I'll just have the servants learn the codes for me. Why are we even getting this much new security? It was only one burglar, and he was scared off by the guards."

"Your father would prefer to be cautious," Kamal replied, "the police still haven't caught the burglar, even with the video evidence. This is a Qiánshuǐ Fènghuáng security system, the best there is, the cameras have night vision and infrared, with these installed, that burglar won't be getting away again." Kamaljit explained, but Aditya was hardly paying attention.

How useless, Aditya thought, they had his face on camera and everything! A brown man with long black hair broke into the home of India's top ambassador to the United States on video and the police can't catch him? I'll ask Father to have a word with the chief of police to sort out this incompetence!

"Whatever, come, Heinrich, we will be retiring to my chambers. Kamal, do teach Amit the codes for me, he'll be my escort around the house." Aditya commanded, walking away from his turbaned bodyguard towards his room.

Aditya heard the big man call after him, but he kept walking.

No servant will command me, I grow tired of Kamal's insolence. Perhaps I should have him replaced.

In his room, Aditya lay on his bed. He called his new pet, Heinrich, up to the bed and the dog obediently lay next to him without a second thought.

See? Aditya thought, why can't they all have this kind of obedience? Perhaps I should have father ship all the servants to that German training school to teach them some manners.

Aditya was brought out of his thoughts by a door opening. The servant girl Sharda stepped into his room.

"You did not knock? Have you forgotten your place?" Aditya asked.

Sharda may be his mother's servant, but Aditya felt she should still act with decorum.

"My apologies Master Patel, but your mother ordered me to give you this immediately, she said it's urgent." The servant girl almost whispered to him.

"Well then? Hand it over!" Aditya snapped.

The girl meekly offered a letter bearing the name Reyansh Aadesh Patel.

A letter from father? Why did he not call?

Aditya tore open the letter and read:

Aditya, the time has come for you to leave home. To become a true man, you must come to live with me in America and attend The Truman Institute, the finest institution of learning in New York. If you're to take my place in government, you must learn here. You'll leave with Kamaljit upon receiving this letter. Best wishes, Reyansh Aadesh Patel.

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