Chapter 14. (PART 2)

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Cody stared at Duncan with obvious anger in his blue eyes, his fist clenched and his knuckles turned white, he sprung at Duncan and punched him in the face, enough strength to make his nose red and bleed.

He didn't regret it, of course he didn't, this psychopath jail freak just got his best friend killed. Ignoring the calls of his name and scolds, he ran into the forest and immediately went looking for Noah.

He frogot to bring a map, but atleast he had a flashlight to guide his way through out the forest, or at least be able to see things.
Cody then stopped running, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum.
Panting, he kept calling out Noah's name with obvious exhaustion in his voice. "Noah?" No response, just owls echoing hooting through out the empty forest, bringing up tension.

Every twig that snapped made him flinch, thinking he was being followed. But when reaching a stack of bushes that had thorns and leaves surrounding an area, he moved them apart, getting pricked on the thumb and wincing.
"Ow.. crap.." He held his hand, he looked around when stepping on a wooden platform, that was wet.

"Noah?" He used his other hand to point the flashlight to search for his missing friend that got left behind.
His face paled.
His flashlight spotlighted Noah's body, which had a bleeding shoulder; the blood surrounding his entire body in the lake. With a rope drenched and pulling in his neck. And white soulless eyes.

"...N-No.. It c-can't be." He stuttered, tears filling his eyes.

(off topic but I was listening too "two birds on a wire" while writing this and I may or may not have started crying)

Cody pulled up his sleeves and grabbed onto Noah's hips, pulling him up from the lake and laying him on the dock, trying to pull off the rope but it wouldn't budge one bit due to the knot.
Cody stared at his white eyes before tears starting streaming and dropping onto Noah's vest.
Cody leaned Noah's head on his chest, and the rest of his body on his lap.
"W-Why did it have to be you.." Cody sobbed into Noah's shoulder that wasn't stabbed, still unresponsive.

It took many hours till Cody's eyes were puffed up red from sobbing, and his tears stained his cheeks and his hands were slightly bloody, and red from the cold and wetness.
Cody then pulled off the vest, looking at it and trying to ignore the bloody hole that was in the corner of the vest from the knife. Leaving Noah with his white shirt below and a blue shirt on top.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you.. it's not your fault our promise broke.." Cody said, hugging Noah tightly. "I love you." Cody said, his eyes started filling again.
Cody then laid  Noah on the dock, before slowly pushing him back into the lake, he stood up and walked away from the wooden dock, he could not stop looking back and continuously crying when thinking of his best friend.
He walked slowly, he was shivering and cold when walking back as well.

When he returned to camp, warmth from the campfire immediately struck his skin, he held onto the vest tightly with red puffy eyes.
Some contestants sighed in relief when seeing Cody, and before they could say anything, Cody walked up to Duncan who was holding an already bloody tissue up to his nose.

"Are you happy now? Your stupidity got my fucking best friend killed." Cody said with tears. "You got what you wanted, no more annoyance." Duncan didn't say anything, he looked at Cody with eyes of guilt, but didn't say anything. "I fucking hate you." Cody said, immediately running to the cabins and slamming the door loud enough for everyone to hear.

Everyone stared at Duncan, not with much anger but they could tell they were disappointed in him, Courtney rethinking her choices of pairing Noah and Duncan together. "This isn't what I meant by trying to get along." Courtney said, fiddling with her fingers.

"Getting your teammate killed wasnt an option." Courtney said, her hands on her hips. "Listen.. I didn't know it was going to happen.. Therefore it wasn't entirely my fault; he got targetted." Duncan said, sniffling as he wiped the blood away from his nose.

"Sorry Duncan but um.. I think it's best if we stop letting you be our leader, we don't want this to happen again.. Espiecally when you just made Cody upset." Courtney said, crossing her arms as she eyed the cabin that Cody entered and didn't come back out of.

"Thats fine." Duncan nodded, standing up. And when looking at everyone, Eva and Izzy glared at the punk, and Owen was busy sobbing his eyes out while sitting down near the campfire. "My little buddy.." Owen said, sobbing.

"Cheer up Big-O.." Izzy said, patting Owen's back when looking at Duncan but not focusing on him. "We'll get our revenge somehow."

Friendship never lasts forever.
Especially when living stranded on an island with a killer stuck with you.
Noah was never the one to care, he always got picked on.
It doesn't really bother him anymore, since he always wanted everyone to just leave him alone.

Not in the sense of leaving him alone in the forest by himself.
Be suspicious of soft humming from afar.
It belongs to him.
It felt like it was to hypnotizing to ignore you, the humming was guiding you into the darkness of the woods. Then you see him at the center of the lake.

It gives you an unseasonable chill.
That's how he plays the game, delicate and calm.

He gives you just enough rope to hang your self.
There's only one choice, and there's no turning back now.
You must go forward.
Do so very slowly, but out of reach.
Or else he will drag you with the depths of the river beside him.

Island Of The Slaughtered. - TDI AU ,, 🔪Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя