Chapter 13.

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The remaining survivors decided to split up into twos, Of course the pair that did not get along with eachother had to be a duo and look around in the forest, they weren't willing to give up in looking for more supplies or maybe an quicker escape out of the island until they finally find it, but they all know that people are going to die one by one.

Duncan and Noah was the pair that could never get along with eachother, and never will. "..You have to be fucking joking me!" Duncan yelled, complaining. "Why him?" Noah complained as well. "You two need to get along with eachother, I swear to god, you never do!" Courtney put her hands on her hips, frowning.
"That's the point, why put us together if all were gonna do is insult eachother?" Noah said. "We need to work as a team, and team means working together, if you two don't cooperate and get along with eachother we're all gonna die here!"

"Fine." Duncan said, walking off without the map, thinking he was amazing at memorizing the map directions around the forest and then back to camp. It stayed a few hours at the forest, every group returned to the camp safely, expect Duncan and Noah.

When it was practically midnight, the moon glistening into the horizon, Duncan and Noah were going in circles because Duncan kept giving the wrong directions.
"You're sending us in circles you dumbass." Noah said. "And how do you know that?" Duncan turned, with the punky look on his face, a cruel frown. "We keep passing by the same old tree." Noah pointed out.

"Some leader you are then." Noah scoffed, insulting Duncan, and obviously he didn't take it nicely.  "Okay Einstein, I would like to see you present how much of a good leader you are then!" Duncan yelled back, cracking his fists which had silver rings on his fingers. 
"Yeah. I have the brains YOU don't." Noah crossed his arms. "You're gonna make us die." He complained, wanting to walk off. "I hope you do die since how much of a dick your acting right now." Duncan spat. "Excuse me?"

The fight kept continuing when insults grew more worser, and Duncan eventually got so mad he made a final decision, which he would regret. "If you're so smart, go find your own fucking way! I'm done!" Duncan raised his hands in surrender and walked off, before Noah could react he stood still, thinking if to go after him. "Fine.." Noah mumbled a curse word before walking off to his own direction, he looked around, calling out random campers names.

Until he heard footsteps.
Leave him alone.
You're still not finished?

Noah didn't want to turn back, and what he knew is that he was going to die right on the spot with no one witnessing him die. And knowing Duncan abandoning him was the cause. A rope caught his neck, tightly yet sharply strangling the teenager.
"S-Shit.." Noah choked, a knife was instantly stabbing into his shoulder, screaming in pain but the killer covered his mouth. After a few minutes of struggling, Noah eventually fell in the killers arms, dead and scarlet red liquid oozing out of his shoulder whilst the knife was plunged in.

The killer dragged Noah by the rope, pulling him by the neck and bringing him close to the Dock Of Shame. Picking the teenager up, and throw him into the lake, a splash sound effect was made, and the dirty blue water now switched to a bloody maroon colour, making the lake look ugly.

The killer grabbed onto the rope or, also known as noose around Noah's neck and tied it around the post of the dock so he wouldn't float away, making sure he was found. Or not. He doesn't care.

And when a period of time after Noah was killed in the forest passed, Duncan returned to the camp by seeing the campfire light guide him there. Everyone looked at Duncan, sighing in relief, but noticing his camp partner wasn't nearby.

"Wheres Noah?" Cody asked Duncan, looking around for him with his eyes, and when seeing Duncan's careless eyes, he knew that something happened. "..." "Where the fuck is he."
"In the forest." Duncan replied. "AND YOU LEFT HIM?"

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