Chapter 1.

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It was a great day today at Wawanakwa Island, It was peaceful, birds were chirping on the trees.
Everything was great at the campsite, the hosting and the cameras were going well. Expect the state of the murky dirt in the water, and aswell as the dirty litter surrounding all the sand on there, which most of the campers found disgusting, unpleasant. The point is they disliked it, but if it was worth the chance into winning money, they'll do it.
Came a boat with contestants with their luggage's, they all had their different exacts.
The contestants arrived on the island with an boat, they were are crowded in one place, and appeared 24 contestants on the dock.

"Welcome, Everyone!" The host, Chris McLean on the microphone, an drone with an camera was flying and recording him doing so, recording and capturing every movement.

"We're back here today with our same old contestants, competeing another season on Wawanakwa Island. Before we start, lets get quick introductions out of the way. Duncan , Courtney, Heather , DJ , Noah , Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Justin, Ezekiel, Trent, Gwen, Tyler, Harold , Leshawna, Geoff, Owen, Bridgette, Izzy, Sadie, Katie and Eva!"

Did he not get tired when explaining all the contestants names? No, not really. His energy was never a waste, and for some reason he just liked talking.

"Same rules apply here, you will live on this crappy summer camp, compete in challenges, get into votes, and one of you will be sent home every three days on the Dock Of Shame!"

"They are confessionals, Which you could say something to the entire world, or you want to get something out of your mind that is bugging you."

"Without further-a-do , There will be 11 people on each team, since we have 22 in total here."
"You have your intermission for now, while I decide who is going on each team." Chris said, as the campers followed their way off the dock, making their selves at home in cabins.


As chatter struck in each cabins, discussing what teams they could be in, challenges set for them, or discussing about irrelevant topics.

Ezekiel would walk outside, looking in the sky as birds tweeted. He would see an box like shape, with an door. Walking towards it, he would knock on the door, trying to see if somebody answered.
He felt someone touch his arm, he was about to tell whoever that person was, but he instantly got pulled away from the confessional. And then all of an sudden, his vision went black and dark.
Ezekiel fell face flat onto the floor, with blood slightly come out from the back of his head. The unknown person would kneel down, grabbing an butcher's knife, cutting into Ezekiel's skin and chopping his body parts up, hiding the cleaver, the killer would grab the body parts and put them in different locations.

The killer peaked in through an cabin window, Noah, Owen and Geoff were inside that cabin. When Lindsay screamed, they woke up from their daily activites, and looked outside. The killer would enter, while the three were distracted.

He would put Ezekiel's head under Geoff's lower bunk bed, and immediately exited before they could look back.

"Can't believe all that for just reacting over an roach." Noah said, as he ran back to his top bunk, and brought out his book from his cargo-short's pocket.

"Interesting way to kill an roach aswell, chop it in half with an axe." Noah added to his statement, the other two chuckled.

"Yeahh.. Anyway- I just want to know where they keep the food, I'm starving, I haven't had food in 30 minutes on my way here." Owen said, his stomach slightly rumbled, his hand on his stomach and circulating around it.

"Just check the cafeteria in the woods, man. It's gotta be there." Geoff said, as he sat down on the floor, giving an smirk. He positioned his hand to touch the ground.

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