Chapter 10.

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(since people want noah soon i need to hurry this up)

𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝟒. 

When everyone woke up, of course it wasn't a joyful and expected morning. It never was.  They still were traumatized from seeing people dying left to right, people couldn't contain they're tears. People still were mourning the people they know in they're childhood or life for a long time, or maybe feeling guilty they died and they're selves didn't.

It's been four days since Justin died, people remembered his death and the others,  (Ezekiel, Lindsay and Sadie) but they felt like this would be a everyday thing where someone will die in mysterious circumstances or at a time, and it will continue happen until theres no campers remaining alive. 

Beth felt like she needed to use the confessional to find some wipes for her glasses, since it was stained with past tears. She expected Chris to have some hygenical products so she didn't pack some herself, but she happened to ran out.
She looks around and at the fog surrounding the morning and bright sky, and her lips quivered.
Its always fine at day, nothing would be the harm into just checking the confessional. It's not like the killer could be reading her mind and go to the same location she would go now.

She looked at the people chatting in the cabin, before looking back outside. She would be back and tell them where she was anything, it was only for a few seconds or maybe a minute. She stepped down the stairs and ran over to the confessional, that had cobwebs and dust.

Beth opened the door, she looked around. And thankfully no one was there, then she found a tissues, but it wasn't surprising that it almost ran out. She felt extremely paranoid, hearing footsteps everywhere, but she sighed and maybe she was hearing things. She leaned over, and then all of the sudden something cold and and leather grabbed by her hair, she screamed, but there was a hand over her mouth.
She was then dragged out the confessional, and when making muffled yells, still no one heard her. She was dragged deeper and further into the forest, until they reached into shore. Beth was confused until the mysterious man faced her forward into a boulder.

She looked at him, terrified before her face got bashed forward into the boulder, the glass shattering on her face. She screamed in pain, before the killer kept bashing her head until eventually she passed away from the pain, her cries kept getting weaker, and her head was bleeding.
Then eventually, her vision blacked out and she was laying on the ground, bleeding out like a normal human would. The killer then tore out the braces she had on her teeth and tossed them away, dragging her into a secluded cabin and tossing her over a window, making a thud.

And then how like it always worked, the killer ran away with no one knowing he killed her.
But it was obvious he did. Courtney was working on a new fire since a bad storm happened last night, and the perks of being a 'CIT', she was signed up to remake the firepit.

Then when being reminded, she needed more camping equipment to set this up. It was her secret, frogetting how to make a fire pit so she needed to grab the manual. She walked into the cabin and swung open the door, and widening her eyes when she saw another dead person in her cabin on the floor.

"Beth..?" Courtney said, terrified, her grip tightening on the door handle more. She looks around before closing the door, kneeling down and turning Beth over, and screaming once seeing her bloody face. Other people hearing, they quickly rushed from whatever they were doing into the cabin, and went to check whats going on.

"Whats going on?!" Bridgette said, startled before seeing Beth on the ground, slaughtered. Her glasses were snapped and tear stained, and her head was bleeding out.
People slightly gagged at the sight of seeing another one of them being dead.

Tyler's face went pale once seeing Beth. The person that comforted him after his girlfriend's dead, was dead herself. "Not Beth.." Tyler gasped, covering his face because he was probably going to start crying without emotional support.

"What are we going to do now? We can't just sleep in the cabins with a literal dead body." Cody pointed at the body, they shrugged.


"Maybe we could just pick her up?" I said, unsure and getting near the body of Beth. "Or.. I'll just do it." I knelt down and put my hands under her back, then standing up and carrying the body of Beth, blood quickly dripped down her forehead onto the ground, so I needed to hurry of getting her out. 

I quickly opened the door by kicking it slight open, and rushed out. Of course I was watching my steps, but did I rather the cabins to have a wretched smell? No, not really.
I felt so tired and I didn't feel carrying someone, espiecally a dead body.
I instantly drop her on the floor when I walk into the woods, I made sure it was unoticeable from camp however, and then I looked down at her bleeding face.

"Poor Beth." I mutter, in sadness. She was always sweet and meant nothing wrong, and now someone even got rid off her braces.
Poor Beth.

Island Of The Slaughtered. - TDI AU ,, 🔪Where stories live. Discover now