Letting go

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"I-I don't understand." I mumbled as I took steps to the bathrooms. What I did not expect was Natasha to get out of them. I felt my feet glue to the floor. Tears filled my eyes understanding why Patrick did not want me to leave the ball room. Natasha gave me a grin and walked to me.
"I told you I will finish you." She whispered in my ear before walking away.
My lips parted as I found it hard to breath. My whole world was spinning around. I knew Patrick was behind me but I was too ashamed to look at him, to show him how broken I was at this very moment.
"Emma..." I heard Patrick call from behind.
Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and turned around to face him. I smiled as if nothing happened, but my eyes couldn't hide the truth. My smile, broke down and chin started to tremble.
"Hey, hey, hey... Emma, look at me." He put his arms over my shoulders and bent down a little so he could look me in the eyes. "You are so much more than he deserves, don't let him ruin your night." I gave him a nod and felt him embrace me. We stayed like that for awhile until I saw Daniel and pulled away.
"Emma, I can explain."
"Don't you dare lie to her!" Patrick spat at him angrily.
I put my hand on his shoulder to assure him that I am alright and to let me handle this alone. I took few steps towards Daniel and he let out a breath of relief.
"You look so beautiful tonight." He chuckled with a smile, pretending nothing wrong happened and this made me furious.
I slapped him across the face hard and the tears ran down my face.
"Do you really think I am so easy that you can come in and out of my life like you please?"
"No..." He said with guilt in his voice.
"Do you realize that it takes so much more than just bringing me flowers to keep me? You asked me to give you a chance, to trust you!" I pushed him by the shoulders and he took one step back.
"Emma, please. Don't do this..."
"You had your chance!" Pushed him again.
"Fine!" He shouted back at me. "You know? I don't care, not like it would work out anyways."
"I trusted you, Daniel. And that was my worst mistake." I looked him in his ice blue eyes, a reflection of his heart.
  He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. I took the opportunity to turn around and walk away. Wiping away the tears from my cheeks I took a deep breath and walked inside the ballroom.
  Hours passed but I did not move from my seat at the table. Everyone cheered, danced, laughed and all I wanted was to go back home and to watch serials until the end of my life. I started thinking how my first relationship ended and how happy I was at the beginning with Daniel. It was true that everything ended in about two months but I did develop feelings for him, I truly believed that he wasn't what everyone said he was.
  My thoughts were interrupted by a hand reaching to take mine. Looking up I saw Patrick with his charming smile and I couldn't help but smile back.
The song was slow, which made the mood between us a bit more romantic.
"You know... he didn't lie." He said in a serious tone.
I looked up at him questionably and he smiled.
"You look very beautiful tonight." His words made me blush a little.
"Thank you." I managed to whisper to him.
"Any plans for the holidays?"
"Yes... to become antisocial and have ten cats." I joked and he laughed a bit.
"Sounds like a plan."
Soon the song ended and we pulled apart.
"Patrick, I am sorry for asking you this but can you take home, I don't wanna ask Cameron." I said and looked at my brother who was pecking Bianca's cheek.
"Will be my pleasure." His deep voice rang in my ears and I smiled.
"I'll go tell him."
"I'll wait for you in the hall." I gave him a nod and went to tell Cameron.
  When we reached home, Patrick decided to walk me to the door. It was snowing and I was trembling a little, so he gave me his coat.
"Thank you, for everything today."I said when we reached the porch.
We took the stairs and I turned around to look at him when we were in front the door. I don't know why but I moved closer to him and closed my eyes hoping he will respond to me. He moved closer too and I felt his warm breath on my face but then suddenly the feeling was gone and I opened my eyes.
"I am sorry... I don't think now it's the time." He said and put his hands in his pockets.
"No... I am sorry. It was foolish of me." I pulled out the keys and opened the front door. "Goodnight, Patrick."
"Night, Emma." He said as I closed the door.
   I took off my shoes and then realized his coat was still on me. I opened the door but he was already gone. I took a quick shower, washing away all the memories and the heartache. I had to stay strong and just to be grateful for the two wonderful months I shared with Daniel. I did what my mum said, I enjoyed my time with him but I wasn't happy in the end so I let him go on his way. I think that if my teachers knew what wise thoughts I had under the shower they would think I was a genius.
Walking to my room I put on my pjs and brushed my hair. While doing it I looked at Patrick's coat, leaving the brush I took the coat and held it tight, it smelled like him and it made me smile. I was lost in thoughts the whole night that I fell asleep a bit after my brother returned home, which was around 2 a.m.

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